

  • The water is important. Your body often confuses boredom and thirst with hunger. I eat a banana and some other fruit every morning for breakfast and keep the 100 calorie packs of almonds around. Half a pack will usually keep me going through the morning.
  • I have been doing it for the last couple of months. I found that there are so many amazing recipes out there that use fruits and vegetables only, it is amazing. Also see if there is something in your area like bountifulbaskets.org or any other local market. I live in a rural area, so I have to buy 99% of my groceries at a…
  • I logged Thanksgiving. I found it really helped to see what I was eating and kept me on track. I have lost weight through the holiday season, when most people gain, so my plan is to keep on logging. If I allow myself one or two days where I don't log, then I feel like I am cheating myself.
  • To give up diet soda, I switched to one a day and used the sugar free crystal lights or MIO added to water. After a few weeks, I started adding slices of lemons or cucumber to flavor the water. I found the less I thought about soda, the better off I was. I work in a job where I bring my own beverages, and do not have…