diet soda



  • Anytime I'm craving a soda, I grab some flavored seltzer water---like the kind made by Canada Dry. They have all kind of flavors from Raspberry to Cranberry Lime. There's no calories and no weird artificial sweeteners either! They make it in 2L and can form......I find that little bit of carbonation and subtle flavor does wonders.
  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    Did you even bother reading the TITLE of the study? Or don't you realize that glucose is a carbohydrate?

    Please post any HUMAN trials that contradict this study.

    There is absolutely no need to be snippy or rude. I was working and glanced over it quickly. I saw glucose test, and did not realize there was a glucose load. WHEN YOU TALK LIKE THIS, it makes it very hard for people to take you seriously. We are all supposed to be here to support eachother in a positive way. Sunshine88 and I disagreed on this post, but managed to do so in a civil way.

    As for tightly controlled studies on humans, those are very hard to come by because you can't control a human's diet like you can with a mouse or rat. So experimental studies are a challenge in that regard. Aside from that, here are some sources which do examine humans and diet sodas:

    Dhingra et al., 2007- Circulation
    Mackenzie, Brooks, & O'Connor, 2006- Annals of Epidemiology
    Nettleton, Lutsey, Wang, Lima, Michos, & Jacobs, 2009- Diabetes Care
    Yang, 2010- Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine

    Beyond that, the OP said that he has had the experience that diet soda has been halting his weight loss, and he is asking for help and guidance to quit drinking diet soda. If you don't wish to help him in that goal, it's probably best not to reply in the first place.
  • skaulakh
    skaulakh Posts: 2 Member
    if there's a particular citrus fruit u enjoy, like orange or lemon, try a squeeze of that in club soda. it's like having a soda, but without the added calories or regular soda, or the post-aspartame crash caused by diet sodas. I feel ur pain because i was a person that had 1 coke zero and 1 fresca per day . now i drink loads more water, and occasionally have a diet soda.
    in the effort to get healthy and lose weight a lot of people tend to use artificial sweetener a lot, and like other users have commented, that practice is counter-productive. occasionally using artificial sweeteners in foods/drinks isn't so bad, but diet soda/sugar free syrups/artificial sweetener on a daily basis will really mess with you body chemistry.
  • To give up diet soda, I switched to one a day and used the sugar free crystal lights or MIO added to water. After a few weeks, I started adding slices of lemons or cucumber to flavor the water.

    I found the less I thought about soda, the better off I was. I work in a job where I bring my own beverages, and do not have access to anything but what I bring, so I would only bring water.

    I also like vitamin water, if I am craving something with flavor. You also get to where different brands of water taste better. I use a special filter on my tap at home, which I like.
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    I will offer up what worked for me. I decided to get rid of the caffeine as well as the artificial sweetener in my diet. I posted on here and had several options given to me. I drink two things to help me with my Diet Pepsi addiction. The first is La Croix sparkling water-it has no calories or artificial sweeteners. It's bitter, but it helps feed my fizz addiction. The other thing I use is True Lemon Lemonade which has Stevia in it. It's like Crystal Light but without the artificial sweetener in it. I found that a lot of my health issue magically disappeared when I got rid of the caffeine and artificial sweeteners (headaches, joint aches, overall feeling like crap).

    Best of luck!