Just started and I am HUNGRY!

I just started this diet on monday and I have been doing really well for it only being the third day but I am HUNGRY! what are some great ideas foods or drinks low in calories that kept you all going? I need help with this... I dont want to break the diet! Any suggestions welcome!


  • Try to eat lots of LEAN protein and veggies. That will keep you full and satiated. Green tea is great for appetite suppression. It's a great fat burner, and healthy too.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    1st of all, don't drastically cut your calories. You should cut back slowly if this is a long term goal. Secondly, get your water in. Last but not least, eat your fiber and protein.
  • I also think the first two or three days are the hardest.

    Fiber one bars are great to keep you full, and they honestly taste really good! I like the chocolate and oats ones.

    Bananas are great morning snacks to keep you full until lunch. Apples too but bananas are easier.

    Nature One has a honey nut bread that is only 40 calories a slice!!!! A slice of bread or toast with a little peanut butter or jelly is nice and easy and can satisfy a nasty craving.

    Drinking all of your water helps too. When you arent paying attention to what you are eating and jus teat whatever, whenever, its easy to confuse hunger and thirst. After a couple weeks it will get much easier.

    If you feel hungry after dinner just eat more vegetables with dinner. Many are really guilt free even if you eat a ton like broccoli. I personally love asparagus.

    Just hang in there and it will get easier. I have my calories set at 1200 per day, but it says I burn 2000 with only normal daily activity. If you are having a really hard day its okay to eat up to that 2000 mark and just work harder the next day to stay under. Also working out gives you the ability to eat more and it can also help to dispel cravings!
  • Fiber did to for me,
    Started eating a breakfast that was high in fiber and it helps me control hunger all day.
  • The water is important. Your body often confuses boredom and thirst with hunger. I eat a banana and some other fruit every morning for breakfast and keep the 100 calorie packs of almonds around. Half a pack will usually keep me going through the morning.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    For me, it was a matter of really paying attention to what I was eating and how it was effecting me - think more quality than quantity. Sure a serving of cheerios with 1% milk and a sliced up banana was pretty filling, but only for about 2 hours then I was starving again. For me, high sugar/high carb foods go through me like water. Even those fruits and veggies that everyone recommends - a salad won't last long for me either, unless I put some grilled chicken or tuna on there with full fat dressing. Which brings me to my next point - fats work for a lot of people too - we tend to think "low fat or no fat" for dieting but fats are really good for you! Think peanut butter, olive oil, fatty fishes like salmon, etc.

    Keep trying different things and do what works best for you.

    I also agree that you may have cut your calories too quickly. Assuming your goal is 2 pounds per week, change it to 1 or 1.5 pounds per week to give yourself a break. Then once you get used to this new lifestyle, you can try to cut the calories a bit.

    Exercise helps a lot too - earn some extra calories!
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I always keep fruit like Bananas, Apples, Clementines at work with me for snacks. I also always keep frosted mini wheat cereal in my desk drawer so when I am feelilng hungry in between meals or if I forget my breakfast I pour out a cup of those and snack while I drink a couple glasss of white. The fiber fills me up and because it is dry I drink more water which fills me up and the little bit of sugar frost makes me think I am eating something bad for me! I usually eat greek yogurt for breakfast and that keeps me full until lunch most days.

    For lunch I usually have soup and special K crackers (you have have like 24 crackers for 120 calories and they are yummy) and of course more water. I also sometimes bring a big container of raw veggies like carrots and broccoli to snack on with some no fat ranch dip if I get hungry before dinner. I don't normally find myself needing to snack much between lunch and dinner.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Try eating 1/2 an Apple , Handful of peanuts, cheese. You are more then likely wondering why all this. Well Apples have sugar and that will make you want more sugar, So then the peanuts takes over the sugar, but makes you want salt, so then the cheese will equal everything out. Drink lots of water.
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 252 Member
    drink lots of water and I have a fiber one chocolate brownie too! Keeps the chocolate cravings away and fills me up with fiber!
  • +1 for Green Tea or english breakfast tea with a tiny splash of skimmed milk.

    i didn't snack to start with but, if you do, watch out for the hidden calories like nuts, raisins, bananas (eat apples instead). These are good calories, but if you snack it impacts your main meals and I always looked forward to one largely unrestricted meal of the day and a bit of chocolate after.

    Remember a distraction activity is 0 calories!
  • If you're hungry then eat more, you should be getting at least 3000 calories a day.
  • If you're hungry then eat more, you should be getting at least 3000 calories a day.

    That's a typo, right?
  • Why would you think it's a typo?
  • Actually eat breakfast! I always thought it was an old wives tale, it's not. If you are actually eating breakfast, drinking water keeps you full too. Don't get discouraged! The first couple days are the hardest :)
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    When I started I was hungry all the time for the first week. People told me to up my protein intake, and I did, but it just takes a week for your body to get used to the calorie cut. Just ride it out as best you can and you'll be much better the second week.

    So, more protein (I found protein powder helped) and patience. :)
  • I just started on Monday too! And I was SOOOO hungry....I think my body was telling me to eat more, so I ate some celery stalks, blue berries, carrots, until I was satisfied. Also. instead of eating a granola bar, that isn't really going to fill me up (150 calories), I eat a whole can of green beans and it fills me right up, only 60 calories! I also drink green tea and that helps. Also, if I stay up late I get the munchies....which I do often because I am in school as well and can't study until the little ones are in bed. So yesterday, when i was reviewing my notes I ate 6 celery. Not my usual bowl of popcorn and salt and vinegar chips, but it did curb my hunger. For a little extra zest a squeezed a lemon over the stalks and sprinkled a teeny tiny bit of salt.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    Why would you think it's a typo?

    Because when you're trying to lose weight, you don't increase your calories. And 3,000 calories isn't anywhere close to 99% of the people on here who are trying to lose weight. More like 1300.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Dont Drink your cals drink water avoid white bread a high sugar foods these foods actually make you hungry sinces your body breaks them down fast eat more protein nuts grilled chicken protein bars fish and veggies plain oatmeal
  • When you're fat, and you're trying to not be fat, you should stop eating fat.
    it's pretty simple really, my BMI is 21.5 and i eat 5000 calories a day, less than 5% of that is fat, and 85% of that is carbs (and hte majority of carbs is sugar!)
    clearly you have no idea how things work...
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    When you're fat, and you're trying to not be fat, you should stop eating fat.
    it's pretty simple really, my BMI is 21.5 and i eat 5000 calories a day, less than 5% of that is fat, and 85% of that is carbs (and hte majority of carbs is sugar!)
    clearly you have no idea how things work...

    You are an 18 year old male who could probably eat doughnuts all day every day and not gain an ounce. She's a 24 year old female who does not have the same metabolism as you do. She may not have the same fitness activities as you. If I ate 5,000 calories a day, I would gain 85 lbs., as would most people on this site.

    Losing fat doesn't mean stop eating fat...that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard anyone say. Clearly YOU have no idea what you're talking about.