hallo_chief Member


  • My friend and her mom are going to try it - her mom figured if her husband can spend $100 on beer and cigarettes, she could spend $80 for two months worth of sensa (one month if she splits with my friend lol) on herself. I never know with these things though - if anyone hears anything good about it, I could reassure my…
    in Sensa Comment by hallo_chief August 2012
  • Thank you Exill! I was so worried that I wouldn't look good in the weeks before the convention lol also, I have a friend who would be jealous of you in your display pic lol
  • I've already attended Tekkoshocon 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania back in March - a rare experience for us to travel so far but truly worth it to see Exist Trace lol and this weekend I'm attending Ikasucon in Ft Wayne, Indiana (: Next year my friends and I hope to go to Ohayocon and give Collosalcon a shot
  • Hello! I'm a bit late in posting to this but I just found out about this group! this is my cosplay(dot)com account ~ http://www.cosplay.com/member/186242/ there should be more photos of different cosplays after this weekend since I'm attending Ikasucon 2012 Gumi Megpoid - Vocaloid from Ikasucon 2011 Sailor V - Codename…
  • First I'd like to say that I am so glad to find others interested in cosplay on mfp lol thought I was alone on here lol If you plan to create the costume yourself, I think cotton would be your best bet for the cloth part of the costume - you can even stroll into walmart and purchase a set of flat white sheets and a set of…
  • I know that most people don't eat eggs because of the detrimental housing of the birds, but I have chickens - only 3 hens and a rooster - and they just roam about our yard, eating spare grain and veggie/grain leftovers that we through out for them then come home to their little roost and lay eggs. Would a vegan find this…
  • Thank goodness I'm not the only one! It's my favourite and I don't get to enjoy sushi much so I'm glad to find someone here with the same menu plan!
  • I usually dance, sing or draw as hobbies (I wish I could go to actual dance classes though haha) I got a set of little looms for Christmas though, my mom and I found them at Joann Fabrics so I'm sure you could find them at craft stores. You can make hats and scarves and other such things. Get some yarn and it's pretty…
  • I'm going to be 19 tomorrow and am trying to lose 50+ pounds. My first goal is 150-140 to see how comfortable I feel at that weight before moving on haha
  • I am exactly the opposite as I always perceive myself bigger than I really am. I'm hoping that, as I lose weight, I get a grip on that perception and am not deceived. I don't want to keep forcing myself to lose when I'm at a healthy weight or be disappointed despite an accomplisment. Recently, I've been too afraid to buy…
  • Oh, I hope not D: I don't know when I'd be able to see a doctor! I'll definitely keep that in mind while exercising and talk to my mom about it - she's an RN and the closest I've got to a doctor's visit right now. Thanks for making me aware of this.
  • You guys are all so helpful! I was a little afraid to ask at first but you've all been so nice. I know deep breathing is great from the many years of choir but for some reason when I run, I tend to forget - I'll try my best to keep deep breathing in mind with my exercises.
  • I've actually heard this before! I thought about it while running today and remembered that I read that you should be able to speak easily and singing should be a bit more difficult when pushing yourself. Thanks!
  • Rubybelle - I don't really know how fast I'm running but speed might be it. I think I'll try to go a bit slower and see what works for me (: rileysowner - I don't know if running is really my thing yet, but it is definitely something I wanted to try out. Thank you both (:
  • I've heard great things about all those books and was even planning to read them once I could get a hold of them. My english teacher my junior year loved Jodi Picoult as well (: And I can't say the exact author but The Reader is a good book as well (:
  • Hunger and Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler are some amazing books as well as Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. Tithe by Holly Black is very good as well. They're all fiction and Tithe and Wicked Lovely have similar fae themes while Hunger and Rage are modern stories about the apocalyptic war horses combined with modern issues -…
  • It makes me happy to see that you love learning (: People focus so much on silly things that they don't take the time to really see how sweet and smart someone is. You're a strong person to go through all that and stick it out. You go girl!
  • I had to ride the bus all throughout high school due to convenience and money and the little ones on there were downright nasty. I've been moo'd at, called ugly and disgraceful, even disgusting. They'd hold their noses when I'd walk by - I lived on a pig farm and showered every day, it just made me roll my eyes. When I was…
  • I drink green tea all the time and haven't seen any negative effects. Even if it doesn't help you, it keeps you hydrated at least so there is at least one benefit. If you're worried that it may cause negative side effects in you, just keep an eye on any abnormal feelings - stomach ache etc. Otherwise, drink away (:
  • We are around the same height and I'm about 30 pounds heavier than you were at your starting weight. You give me a lot of hope that I can do it though. When I saw you in your '156' picture, I thought 'I'd be happy just to get there!' You are awesome girl - congrats!!