katlou2 Member


  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I'm so happy for you! I hope to be saying the same thing come May when I hit the big 4-0!! I have had issues with turning 40 and since I started here in June I am feeling better about it already. I hope to be at or near my long term goal by then and just in time for bathing suit season 2011 !! Have a…
  • Great question! I wondered the same thing when I read the directions, it doesn't say what to do just take it to a dealer or something like that. I will keep checking this thread to see who answers. Take care, Hope you get a reply soon!
  • i was complaining to a friend of mine about my weight and he told me to come to this site to use the food diary. I didn't know I would meet so many wonderful people on here, so 93 days and 21 pounds later, I have discovered that all it really takes is diet and exercise!
  • I'll give it a whirl even though Im in a plateau right now. Current weight 208.4 ( up a pound from last week :( congrats on winning the challenge, great loss!
  • Great thread, thanks Clew for asking! I'm leaning more toward insanity...
  • OMG! That is amazing!!! You look great! I have to get in on that insanity!!!!
  • Sounds like fun! I hope I can remember to come back and re post! Currently trying to see Onederland by OCT 1 but after a weekend set back not sure if I'm going to make it. Currently: Weigh in weeks: Sept 6: 208 lbs Sept 13: Sept 20: Sept 27: Oct 4: Oct 11: Oct 18: Oct 25: Nov 1: Nov 8: Nov 15: Nov 22: Nov 29: Dec 6: Dec…
  • I agree with ODONNA, I bet you were over estimating your calories before and now you know exactly what you are eating. Have you increased your exercising? You will probably slow down soon and then you won't have to worry any more, you 'll be looking for ways to jazz it up and make it come off faster again hehehehe:happy:…
  • Great post! We all are in a learning and changing process and it is going to take us time to get it down. Thanks!
  • Exactly! What She said! haha! 2 weeks in I started having some motivational problems too. The jounaling seemed tedious, the exercise wasn't fun (yet) and I was still feeling overwhelmed with my larger goal of 70 pounds. I did stick with it and it has been over 3 months and 21 pounds. It is soooo worth it, you can do it.…
  • Love it Mary, made me smile! You show that craving who is BOSS! You kicked it right in the booty!:wink:
  • So exciting for you! Just think how much better it will be in another short 6 months!!! Keep it up you are doing FANTASTIC!!!
  • too funny so far I've lost a sperm whale’s brain but shooting for an automobile tire and eventually losing the worlds largest ball of yarn (I think that's what 80 pounds said) LOL
  • Thanks for sharing! You look great! Keep Rockin out and you WILL make that goal! Can't wait to see your next set of pics!
  • Stupid TOM, it's no wonder men lose weight so much faster they don't have that *kitten* around to mess with them!!!
  • Super cute idea! Same thing happened to me. I just about had a melt down in Kohls when I realized I needed to buy size 20's. I have one pair of them that are finally too big! Trying to head into a 16. Mine are bedazzeled but I think I may still do that!
  • Hello, west Virginian here so we're neighbors. You have come to the right place! Go look at the success stories in the message boards, u will be amazed!! 165 pounds? You can do it, if your mind is set then u can totally do it. Will it be easy? Well no, matter of fact I think any kind of change is hard let alone changing…
  • Oh, Poor you! Our bodies turn into something completely different post baby! Hips different, belly, boobs and don't even get me started on the stretch marks. Some women are lucky and they seem to just fall right back to pre baby. Other of us well not so much! I hope that you find what works for you to help you reach your…
  • YOU LOOK GREAT!!! I hope for the same success after 200 days!
  • Poor you, I'm sorry no one noticed! BUT oh they will cause guess what? You ARE doing it the right way and yours will continue to come off and your right DPG will turn into PFG (previous fat girl) when she stops. No one can live like that forever and she WILL gain weight. I just posted a blog the other day titled " I really…
  • I think eating out is one of the hardest parts of this. I always feel like I didn't make the best choice. I even have apps on my phone to help me pick out the lowest cal items. I like how bob evans has their fit from the farm section on the menu and applebees has some under 550 cals meals. I like your idea of keeping a…
  • Too funny! There were donuts talking to me the other day that I actually said NO to and Leave me the Hell alone! LOL You did great by taking it in small pieces. One of my friends on here just posted today about having a small piece of ice cream cake and still being under her calories. That no food is bad just the amount of…
  • If you have had problems concieving in the past and feel that you need drastic measure to make a baby then maybe consider it, but my theory is go have fun and quit worrying about it and when it's the right time it will happen! If you have fertility issues that that is a whole different matter... :happy:
  • that is soo great! When she grabbed you by the shoulders and complimented that and your face I think I would have cried! You are doing such a tremendous job and learning how to maintain that weight loss is going to be in your future soon!
  • that is great! I bet you were walking on air after that. I would burst into laughter too! He should see ya all cleaned up huh!?
  • there is a lot of great information on this site. Of course, most people here are trying to lose weight but there are alot of folks who already have and are in the maintenance stage. Good luck! May you shake, shake, shake your booty!:happy:
  • great job! Keep it up, you'll need it for that baby! hehe! I was 35 when I had my daughter who is now 4 and I'm always saying Im too old for a child this young. I'm really hoping if I can get this weight off I'll have more energy to be a much better mommy! Have a great evening!
  • Someone talkin SMACK! It must be Kelly! haha! Take care
  • http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/25708021/ns/today-today_health/ here's the link, she looks great!:happy:
  • I think it is because you are slowing down the pace by half so you must be slowing enough to cause your heart rate to drop. When you are walking faster it is causing it to go up, I bet if you could keep up that fast pace with the incline your heart would go much faster. Just a thought, I dont think it is a symptom of…