sherintn Member


  • My PT recommended that I roll twice a day! I try to do it before and after a run as my glutes stay super tight and I have a history of IT and hip flexor issues. But I will say now that I have increased my strength training I have had much fewer issues with my IT band.
  • Also check out You can put in your pace and it will give you songs to help you keep the pace. Helps make a great race day playlist!
  • You have gotten some really great advice here! I started running about 25 lbs heavier around 2 years ago with the Fleet Feet No Boundaries Program. It's like a couch to 5K program that provides new runner support and weekly group runs with road certified coaches. I ran two 5K's with that program and then started their half…
  • I have the Forerunner 10 and Love it!!! It does actually give current pace so no worries here. I have been a pace leader for an interval half training group and I can set the intervals and watch my pace all at the same time. It give me the final data and I love the Garmin Connect website. I need to see elevation so that I…
  • I like honey stingers. GU makes me wretch... just can't seem to get it down and not have a horrible taste in my mouth. If I am running for 2 hours or more I refuel every 45 min or so. I also like to drink NUNN on my runs so that I stay good and hydrated (especially now that it's getting hot and humid here in the south).…
  • As a new runner I was constantly plagued with typical running injuries, IT band and hip flexor. Once I started really focusing on my strength training to include total body and core work I have found that my injuries are minimal at best and only show up once I add much longer mileage. I say don't skimp on the strength!
  • I use the Garmin Forerunner 10, the most basic model and it does everything I need it to do at this point. It keeps track of my runs, distance, time/splits, calories, elevation (super important as I try to set up new challenges and compare it to races). I love it and it's right at $100. The watch is the way to go!!!
  • My goal is absolutely overall fitness. I started with a trainer in February and have noticed that my usual running injuries (IT and hip flexor) are for the most part nonexistent since I have been strength training. I did legs Monday, ran 4 miles yesterday (tapering) and will do upper body today. Saturday we have 6 planned…
  • I have never gotten the bug for a full. I totally respect the training and dedication!!! This will be my third half in one year. I started running two years ago and have loved to hate every min of it. I like your idea of doing speed/hill work. Maybe I will try trail running this summer. I think I just need a new challenge!
  • Good Lord... I assume you are an ultra marathoner? I do enjoy running or I wouldn't be doing it but I just get burnt out at the end before a race. Maybe one day long runs (10 plus) won't feel like such a chore. HA