

  • Yes I have, I thought it tasted to sweet. I like there GRANOLA bars.
  • Melt A slice of Sharp Cheddar Cheese Yummy.
    in Apples. Comment by tjrms42 February 2009
  • Hi. I am a Newbie. this web site I found has really help me to loose weight. I have grown daughter, I want to be here for her and the only way is to get fit and healthy. and it helps to have the support from my fitness pal. Good luck I wish you the best in your goal. TJRM42.
  • Hi.:smile: I know what you are feeling, I have only started 3 weeks ago, I find myself wanting something sweet. especially at the check out. I found that by keeping a roll of sugar free Gum or Mints in my purse at all times and when I get that urge I reach for my mint or gum and it gets rid of wanting sweets.:wink: