

  • See, it is really hard for me because my hubby hates veggies :(. I love making spaghetti squash and putting spaghetti sauce on it like it is spaghetti, lol. I would love to keep chicken in the picture, and fish. I think my hubby can do that, but I really do want a BIG influence of veggies and fruits in the house. He just…
  • I am new too!! We all start out at some point with that in common. I hope that you have an incredible journey to health. I always say i'd rather be healthy, than too skinny and relying on the scale for my accomplishments. my accomplishment starts from within. being healthy is more that just food and excersize and weight…
  • I can always use the help and support. Community is hard to come by in my situation, and it is nice to have people in the same boat. I love the Beachbody products too. I am trying to do P90X, my husband likes Insanity.