Looking for Support

Hey i'm new to this site and looking for new friends...i've been on both sides i've been too skinny and very overweight and now i'm at a point where i just wanna be healthy. I have put some weight on but i don't wanna make the scale my life. I am more then what i weigh and this time i wanna be healthy. That's why i find this site amazing it's a great way to support.... I would love to get friends to help! Excited to have a fitness pal :)


  • Yary2931
    Yary2931 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi and Welcome aboard! I absolutely love this site and welcome the opportunity to be your fitness pal :-) Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey!
  • fitforlife31
    I am new too!! We all start out at some point with that in common. I hope that you have an incredible journey to health. I always say i'd rather be healthy, than too skinny and relying on the scale for my accomplishments. my accomplishment starts from within. being healthy is more that just food and excersize and weight loss, it is a mindset. good luck, feel free to add me! xxFitforlife31
  • welcome welcome (: Im new too!
  • tlynn83
    Hi, I'm new here too. I joined almost two weeks ago but I wasn't active on here until this week. I need to get motivated quick. I'm in a battle with food and I will win! This site is very helpful. It will be much better for me though when I go grocery shopping because I have too much processed food in my fridge right now and that's not helping me at all. I feel that if I wake up everyday and tell myself I can do this, I can and you can too. Good luck! Maybe we can start a small group and set small challenges/goals for ourselves.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome all newcomers!! You'll def love the site.. Feel free to add me.. !!
  • Jackpalm
    you can add me :)