

  • I love your goals for May. Try Jenni-O's turkey ham. I haven't eating pork in over 5yrs and this is a favorite of mine. I've tailored my goals so that we can make this journey together. Were ever two or more gather in his we start to see results. :wink:
  • I've been using resistance bands and yoga with the Wii fit. They say the best strength training is to learn to lift your own body weight. Its motivating me to lower my body weight (LOL).
  • I'm differently in need of MFP friends cause my real friends are just sooo busy.:laugh:
  • I got this book called a diet free life from the library. It teaches you how to combine fast carbs, slow cards, and proteins so that when you eat you stay full longer while allowing your body to produce more energy. It also tells you what and how to eat before and after a work out. I've only been using the book for four…
  • Weight on November 22nd: 217lbs Weight to go to no longer be obese: 67lbs Side Note: Congrats Chipmunk70 on the 97lbs gone :-) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I understand. God do I. I have at least two author I cannot listen to in audio form, it ruins the story for me. But, Laurell K. Hamilton I can only get into if its in audio form.:wink:
  • Hello, I'm Porsche. I usually read two books a week. I'm recently married and use books as away to escape life. With Lora leigh, brenda Jackson, or Loral K. Hamilton I can always pretend to be someone else for a few hours.:happy:
  • I was not aware of how the BMR played into my diet plan. So, for the three days I've been on my fitness pal I've been going my the recommended 1200cals if my BMR is 1600 will my eating 1200 stop my metabolism from speeding up?