

  • Start date could be 16th August, Teams can get sorted over the weekend for TEAM threads to be posted on Monday morning!
  • Can measure it with a tape measure, http://www.fitwatch.com/qkcalc/body-fat-percentage-calculator.php input measurements here for online calculation. I do this and keep figure in a spreadsheet
  • Hi All My August has been very random, mainly due to not going to the gym as having difficulty finding someone to look after my son, so kinda lost momentum, and it showed this week on the scale with a 0 loss! But so pleased not to have put on phew!! This month I have set myself a target of at least 50 kettle bell swings a…
  • are you being honest over your calories, as I find it hard to believe that if you are doing everything exact, in terms of amount and portion control, that you have not lost anything! Under estimating is the downfall of many a calorie restrictive diet.
  • Two excellent bits of advice! The reason a lot of people overeat is due to portion control. The ONLY reason I know that I have lost weight is due to measuring everything I eat. It is quite shocking how a heaped measure compared to the level measure can add more calories to the portion! ans yes I eat my exercise calories my…
  • Hi ya, firstly 9lbs loss is just that a loss, so well done BUT looking at your food diary you have a very poor diet. As by the other posts you must realize this! I love clotted cream, but it is high in fat, most of us love bad things, it's why we have ended up over weight and depressed, angry, sad, and so on The simple…
    in sad day Comment by Hathor July 2010
  • Well my new heart rate monitor finally arrived, so I can see just how the kettlebell works on calories burned! Mainly as I cant seem to work out how to log them any other way! BUT I have to say that I am behind on my personal challenge so need to step it up and get swinging lol! How is every one else doing on the exercise?
  • HI there New to the forums but saw the UK thread so thought I would say hello My goals for this month are 2000 kettlebell swings, on top of the obvious weight loss. I am currently on week six of a 14 week (98 day) fitness challenge, Am really enjoying it so far and find that being part of a team is extremely motivating!!!
  • I do watch it LOL Have not joined in with the exercises but I find that having it on in the background keeps me focused ha ha ha Sometimes I find they spend too much time explaining rather than just getting on with a good workout, to much start stop if that makes sense. You also have the active channel as well. One thing I…
  • Moderation is the key, if you deprive yourself all the time then you just get miserable! If you work these thing s into your eating plan along with exercise then you can eat foods that you like, but not a whole pot of ice cream or finish off the whole plate of ribs! Fill up with healthy fruit and veg on your plate and then…
    in shameful Comment by Hathor July 2010
  • I'm also a Brit but with American heritage and we celebrated July 4th, I too do not class it as falling off the weekend if I have something that may be a little more indulgent than normal.
  • Very interesting report, thank you for posting it
  • Another person to check out is the wisdom of Tom Vuneto! He is awesome and author of the Burn at Feed Muscle. I am currently involved in his 9 day transformation challenge. I have lost 6lb in weight, more importantly dropped body fat and increased lean body mass, so far have trimmed 3.5 cm off my waist all in three weeks.…
  • Have you tried kettlebells? They give an all over workout and have fantastic results Check out the videos from kbellqueen on you tube or www.ontheedgefitness.com I bought a 5kg and 7.5kg from Tesco and they are great and only 10 - 15 mins a day will get you our of breath! you can do crunchs till the cows come home, what…