Anyone fancy a TEAM Challenge!

We all know that losing weight on your own is hard, to stay motivated and focused cant times lapse!

So how about a 12 week TEAM challenge

There would be a few simple rules (rules suggestions welcome!)

a TEAM is 5 people
ONE team thread would be started
All team posts would be in that ONE thread including a weekly weigh in charting lbs lost as well as Body Fat % lost
No prizes would be awarded just the satisfaction of WINNING!

Maybe some before and after photos need to be posted as well, thoughts?


  • princesspurple
    I need some more motivation! I am in. I do not have a way to measure fat %.
  • Hathor
    Hathor Posts: 15
    Can measure it with a tape measure, input measurements here for online calculation.

    I do this and keep figure in a spreadsheet
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Count me in...when do we start? I need to get moving quick...the scale was NOT good to me this morning LOL! :laugh:
  • coolstacey6
    coolstacey6 Posts: 83 Member
    Count me in too! I'm PUMPED!
  • futureredheadhottie
    Count me in my 26th birthday is in 14 weeks and I want to be in the 200's in time for it. I want to lost around 50 pounds.
  • lukat
    lukat Posts: 10 Member
    This sounds like something that would work for me. I am in!
  • Hathor
    Hathor Posts: 15
    Start date could be 16th August, Teams can get sorted over the weekend for TEAM threads to be posted on Monday morning!
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Just plug me into a team and let me know...I am so READY to get back on track
  • princesspurple
    okay...25.77%body fat and 135.4 for weight!