Team UK - August2010



  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning all :smile:

    Well, I have a confession to make.... I have been very very naughty :embarassed: over the weekend I ate so much chocolate, then topped it off with a McDonalds last night :sad: I have been feeling a little bit down since Thursday, and I was quite pleased that I made it to Saturday without reaching for the biscuits, but then I more than made up for it on Saturday and Sunday :angry:

    Anyway, today I feel PANTS! So I'm back on plan and a lot more determined! I have nothing but fruit and yogurt in the office today, so no temptations...
  • sjmandrew

    I'm new to MFP but would like to join in. My goal is to lose as much as I can for a wedding in October (on my birthday). I'd love to be able to wear a dress that I love rather than one that fits. I'm going for it pretty hard at the moment at the gym and with calorie counting but am a bit scared that it's not very sustainable. Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck everyone.

  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    Good morning Team uk :)

    I've not posted on here for ages, I have been really slacking but I am determined to get back on track this month. I am going to Marbella in 9 weeks and 3 days and my goal is to lose 1lb a week and (fingers crossed) get down to 10 stone by the time I go.

    So my targets this month are to

    1) Complete the 30 day shred (with sundays as my day off)
    2) Drink more water
    3) Lose a 1lb a week

    Good luck everyone with your goas this month xxxx
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Hope it's not too late to join the UK team! I've been on MFP since the beginning of July. Lost 3lbs. last week for a total of 10lbs. :D This month I'll be happy with 1lb a week, but am actually hoping for 2lbs a week. Just finished the EA Sports Active 30 Day challenge and got my copy of the 30day Shred in the post, but I'm also doing Zumba twice a week. I need to regain a bit of control over the type of foods that I eat rather than just concentrating on the calorie number I think though.

    Hope you're all having a great August!
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Hello Team UK,

    New member here, been using the site for 2 weeks - lost 6lbs so far to take me back to 13 stone, but I really want to be about 11 stone so there's still some way to go!

    I actually lost the entire 6 lbs the first week - then I calculated my BMR and found I'd been eating fewer calories than that so decided to up my amounts a bit - consequently I lost nothing this week. Now I think I'll try a calorie number somewhere in the middle and see how that goes!

    Would be happy losing 2lbs this week.


  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    hey all and a big welcome the the newbies.

    I managed 2lbs this week which has now taken me to just below 11stone. That's the first stone since i have been back.

    I'm happy so far with the progress and the tape messure is coming out the weekend to see where i have lost those vital inches.
    Another 2lbs this week will do nicely.

    Glad to see everyone is doing well.

    Catch you soon

  • cherryie
    Hello Lee, fancy meeting you here:)
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Ooh yay! i couldnt find this board for ages
    had a bad few days =[
    scrapping past week and startting fresh tomorrow
    weight loss here i come! xx
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everybody. Great to see loads of newbie UK people on the forums.

    Lost 1lb last week but had a terrible weekend food-wise so am having a proper blitz this week. Not sure how I got on at my dance class tonight as I messed myself up carrying 8kg of parcels home from work (I don't drive and have all my deliveries sent to the office - they all turned up today!) I figure that the weight lifting added to my walk home so hopefully I burned a little extra there!

    Planning for a 2lb loss this week as next week is birthday week and there'll be cake and cocktails involved!
  • DevilsAvocado
    DevilsAvocado Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, ReNewbie to MFP but total newbie to Team UK. I've been going two weeks and down 9lb so far but know it's going to slow down so I'm going to need inspiration. I'm doing circuit training 3 times a week and my insane plan is to hit a stone off by the end of the month when I have to squeeeeeze into a ryanair plane seat : /
  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    AMAZING A DIET UK TEAM everything is usually american this is great:happy:
  • thecountess
    thecountess Posts: 12 Member
    to devils avocado i think the getting into the plane seat diet is usually mty most succesful ..sooooo motivating i would die of embarrassment to hear those words ...extension please i always diet best about 3-4 months before a holiday ...i just need to try harder for the rest of the year
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    I wish I had some kind of goal to motivate me, but I'm happy in my relationship, no big events coming up soon that I need to look good for.

    I just feel like I want to do this.. and I've done it before so I klnow I'll do it again!

    I bet having something to aim at works best though...
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Looking forward to a happy, healthy you is the best goal!
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I've been using MFP on and off on my iPhone for a while, but I'm new to the forums.

    I had a baby in April and I'm still working on losing the babyweight (I put on 52lbs!) 6 weeks after birth I weighed 172lbs and I'd love to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 147lbs, but ideally closer to 140. My current weight is 159lbs. For August - I'd like to get down to 155lbs.

    I'm breastfeeding so can't cut my calories too much, and exercise is pretty limited to walking and lifting my (very chunky!) baby. I'm a bit of an emotional eater too - so bad days = reaching for the bad food!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good Evening Team UK!

    This is the first time I have written on this post but I would like to join if you'll have me :smile:

    I joined mfp a couple of weeks ago and although I have been sticking to my calories most days and exercising, I don't seem to have lost any weight. Think I need new tactics as I have been dieting on and off since I was a teenager and it is getting boring. I think I must have lost my body weight about 10 times over goal would be to lose about 18lbs before Christmas although I have been invited to a wedding in the beginning of December. So fingers crossed I'll have lost the weight by then and be feeling tons better!!!!!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Thanks James - your a star for keeping this all going!

    So im on Day 2 of my DETOX... its going well so far - i havent caved in! feeling ok... a little light headed and unfocused on my job, but its ok.. only a couple of days left!! :laugh:

    How are you all??

    Katherine x xx
  • Hathor
    Hathor Posts: 15
    Hi All

    My August has been very random, mainly due to not going to the gym as having difficulty finding someone to look after my son, so kinda lost momentum, and it showed this week on the scale with a 0 loss! But so pleased not to have put on phew!!

    This month I have set myself a target of at least 50 kettle bell swings a day to at least have done something! did a 22 min power sculpt and fat burn for a 314 calorie burn, and man do I feel it!!

    What with al that is going on, working on two businesses and entertaining the young gun will be glad when school starts again so I get back to a routine..LOL

    goal for the month is to drink more water and 50 kettle bell swings a day.
  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48
    Hi All

    Great to see so many new UK-ers!!

    I have had a good month so far which has seen me gain Slimmer of the Week and my Half Stone certificate in Rosemary Conley! I have now lost 9lbs since I started back a month ago. I also did a mini detox for four days and felt fabulous on it. I had the flattest stomach I'd had for years after it!!
    My goal this month is for 1lb per week. I'll be happy with that as I only have 5lbs to go until I reach goal weight. However, I am off on an All Inclusive:frown: cruise :happy: this Friday so no doubt will end up putting some of the 9lbs lost back on! Even with good food choices there's so much temptation on a cruise - not to mention the cocktails! I will try to be good but also be sensible, I want to enjoy my holiday but not over indulge. If I put a few pounds back on then I will pick myself up when I get back and work to get it back off :smile:

    Lovely to see everyone's updates. Please feel free to add me :happy:
  • leannemr
    leannemr Posts: 48

    Thanks James - your a star for keeping this all going!

    So im on Day 2 of my DETOX... its going well so far - i havent caved in! feeling ok... a little light headed and unfocused on my job, but its ok.. only a couple of days left!! :laugh:

    How are you all??

    Katherine x xx

    Ooh which one are you doing? I did one last week - great results!! Hope you get the same xx