Team UK - August2010



  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    Hello, I'm new - ok if I join up? I'll do my story as quick as possible as it's in greater detail in my profile and blog... I'm male, was 26 stone this time last year, got diagnosed with diabetes at christmas after I'd dropped to 24st7lb for no reason, am now 18st10ish - 82lbs lost since Christmas, since I don't count that first couple of stone or so as I wasn't trying.

    I lost about 9lbs last month and have lost about 7 so far this month. I walk a lot, and go to the gym a few times a week. I don't follow a particular diet, I just try to eat well and after initially controlling my calories I stopped doing so between February and last week, until I found this place and started doing it properly.

    That should condense it nicely, look forward to meeting some more fellow brits! :)
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Welcome to the group TMLS.
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Hi all

    I've been having a really great month so far. Have lost about 5lb so makes my total almost 10lb since I started at MFP towards the end of July so I'm feeling very happy and motivated. I've also found an acceptance of the gym. I used to hate going and would just walk on the treadmill (I've always had a bit of a dodgy knee from an old skiing injury so haven't done things that I thought would hurt it), but I've pushed myself up to doing 18 mins on the cross trainer and 65 mins on the exercise bike in the same session some days.

    I have found some giant white chocolate buttons (from Montezumas yummy!) which are a great mini treat. If I have 3 of them they are only 22 calories and that just curbs my sweet cravings.

    I now have an issue in that on Sunday I am flying over to Chicago to stay with my best friend and her family for a week. She knows I've been losing weight so hopefully we'll be able to cook some healthy dishes but my biggest problem is around the flights. My husband isn't coming with me so I'm going to be let loose (and bored) at Heathrow for 3 hours before a daytime 8 hour flight and I'm really going to have to push myself hard not to succumb to the piles and piles of chocolates available. Eeek, I'm sure I'll be able to cope.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Well Nessaj if I were you I'd just enjoy walking around and looking at all the expensive stuff I can't afford to buy! Or watch the planes flying about. Def more fun than eating chocolate (and I'm being serious!) V jealous of you going on your trip so hope you have lots of fun and healthy food!

    James - don't put so much pressure on yourself hon. You've done amazingly well so far and are bound to plateau at some point so any loss is good but concentrate on being fit and healthy rather than the numbers :flowerforyou:

    I'm about to have a 'naughty' couple of days as I'll be out and about with family tomorrow and having a girls night out with my best mate on Friday. Am going to aim for the healthiest options (whilst not feeling like I'm depriving myself or being boring) and reassure myself that I can repair the damage next week. Hope everyone else has a good few days (and hi to all the new newbies!)
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Nice to hear everyone's success stories - but just as nice in a different way to hear where people have slipped up, it makes me feel I'm not alone!

    After a couple of weeks of being stuck on 6lbs loss, I finally went in the right direction this week and lost half a pound. Not exactly happy with that though, when I still have a fair bit to go. Still, people are starting to comment that my face looks thinner, which is nice even if my jeans aren't fitting any better!

    My problem has been that I moved to London about a month ago and have been catching up a lot with old friends. One of my friends likes to play golf, which is a big positive, as it burns a surprising number of calories. Unfortunately, the others like to go out for dinner and drinks, which pretty much negates all the goodness of the golf!

    I'm ok with dinner because I try to pick the healthiest option (normally some kind of fish or chicken, avoid creamy sauces!) but there's inevitably a bottle of wine or two as well, after which comes the inability to resist dessert, and then the munchies on the way home (damn you, 24-hour McDonalds!)

    So I'm mostly being ok (and god knows, if I wasn't being mostly ok I would have PILED it on in the last month...) but I just need to work that extra bit harder to really make this happen. And I do want to!

  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Well just thought I would drop in and say hi to everyone and glad to see that people are using this place to find the support and motivation they need.

    I'm off for a few weeks now on holiday, so I have a challenge of balancing the fun things with the healthy living I am trying to reach.

    I hope you all have a good few weeks and that you will all continue to work towards you goals for the month. I have read that some of you feel that you really struggling this month but dont worry we all have times when we struggle and think is it all worth it, believe me it is. The main thing is to stay focussed you CAN do it.

    Good luck.

  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    My first weigh in day tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing what kind of drop (if any). I spent loads of money the other day on food and thought I was doing myself a favour buying certain foods but turns out there quite bad for you. Particularly peppered mackerel filltes which I thouht were really good for you but are really high in calories and fat. Boo :(
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    My first weigh in day tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing what kind of drop (if any). I spent loads of money the other day on food and thought I was doing myself a favour buying certain foods but turns out there quite bad for you. Particularly peppered mackerel filltes which I thouht were really good for you but are really high in calories and fat. Boo :(

    Isn't it "good" fat though? Not saturated fat. I'm pretty sure the oils in mackerel actually are really good for you.

    On another note, I just went back through my diary and although I've mostly stayed within my calories every day for the last week, I've gone over on Sat Fat and sodium several times - and it just generally looks like the diary of someone that eats healthy all day and then ruins it all by eating crap last thing at night.

    Must do better!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    It might well be which is why I am not that overly worried it was just a shock to see 300 cals appear for 100g of the mackerel.
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    Yeah, I was the same when I looked at olive oil!

    Trying to put as little as possible in my meals now...
  • emc2003
    emc2003 Posts: 29
    Hi everyone,

    It's great to read how everyone is getting on. My biggest downfall is if I have something 'naughty' I think I've blown it and continually eat until bedtime. I really need to sort that out!

    Anyway, 1st weigh in today and I have lost 3lb. That was my target for the end of August, so I'm hoping to lose another 2lb now.
  • MistahLee31
    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is okay. Not been on here recently, been absolutely snowed under with work as there are lots of people off, plus I've had a few things going on like looking for houses as we're due to move soon. I've still been trying to eat healthily and stick to this mini detox.

    I'm away next weekend in Wembley for the Challenge Cup Final as Warrington are playing, so thinking of doing another detox next week to get my weight down before going away, as I'm bound to be stocking up on the alcohol!!

    Good luck to everyone for whatever targets they have, and I'll try and post more regularly soon!


  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    First weigh in tonight after the gym. I wonder what the results will be.
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I didn't lose any weight but that I think is due to buliding muscle mass. We shall see next week.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Juuust checking in... Ive been about... i had a really good week food wise this week... but last night i totally ruin it by having the binge of my life... you name it i ate it!! lol ok NOT that bad.. but it was a lotta biscuits and brownies... maybe some icecream thrown into the mix..!! Anyways... ive accepted my actions and im going to the gym today, eating well and having a low cal chinese tonight..! lol if they are low cal! haha

    Anywhoo I will log on tomorrow and chat properly... hoping to get to the gym then!

    Lovies x x x x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    A big hello to my old and new friends!!!

    Not posted for a while as mad busy. Had my hen do in Ibiza, which was amazing. The wedding is 3 weeks today so manic at the mo getting everything sorted!!!

    Was 10.3 this am which I am pleased with. My heaviest is 12. So am gonna work really hard now. Not done any exercise for a while as had a bad ankle but am gonna get back into it, and will just have to deal with the pain!!

    Planning to do Mels Amazing Detox again from Monday, so fingers crossed for good results!!!

    I would be happy to be 9.10 for the wedding, which I think is achievable. The lady at the dress shop said brides naturally loose weight from stress and adrenalin, so fingers crossed!!! Ha ha!!!

    Good luck with your goals everyone and keep up the good work.

  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Finally got round to clothes shopping today. First pair of size 10 trousers I tried on fitted great but I decided to try some different ones as I wanted pockets. Sooo I tried them on in a 10 and they were too big! I have ended up with a pair of size 8 trousers :laugh: I think it's just because the style came up bigger but hey it made my day. I've gone from bulging out of a size 12 to fitting nicely in a size 8-10 in 4 months :bigsmile:
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Yvonne - congratulations! That's fab!

    Plantpot - what does the detox entail? I'm thinking of doing one. Good luck with it x

    Kpnuts - I ate a big bar of galaxy yesterday. Oh the shame! I wasn't hungry after though so didn't have dinner, so I was under my cals for the day - but not the healthiest ways to go about it! I've been clearing out the house for a boot fair today, so hopefully I've burnt a fair few calories doing that.

    Mat - I'm sure you've been putting on muscle. Have you measured yourself so you can compare instead of relying on the scales?
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't have a measure. Will do after pay day.

    I had a bad day today on the calories and carbs. Had to go dentist today so didn't ride to and from work today so no exercise at all today. Will hit gym tomorrow hard !!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    James, you thought you wouldn't make it last month and YOU DID IT!! Try to remember that to motivate you :smile:

    Nessaj, usually when I fly I try not to eat anything before I go to the airport (which just about kills me because I hate travelling on an empty stomach on the train or whatever) then I have a cup of tea and some toast and a little scrambled eggs in one of the little cafes there. Makes me feel like I still get to have something but distracts me from all the naughty stuff that I might have as a snack if I had already eaten. Have a good trip :flowerforyou:

    Mat, try not to be too discouraged. To be honest it took me quite a while to get into the swing of things... which is just always the way my body is. But if you stick with it, eventually the results will come. Oh and I love smoked mackeral too... I try to use just one fillet and chop it up and use it for a pasta sauce or something so I can still taste it and it doesn't seem as 'small'. But yes, you are right it is very good fat, full of omega 3s but it will still pile the cals on if you don't watch the portions.

    I lost 1.7lbs this week and I'm ok with that although I was hoping for more after a small loss last week. I'm starting to settle in my job which helps but I've only got 2 weeks left and then I'm off somewhere else haha always the way!

    I'm headed to Nice for 4 days straight after the job for a conference but I think I will probably do ok with food since i will be there on my own. I'm much worse when I'm with my fiance and go out for tea and stuff.

    Then, I have a renal dietitian job in Wales that is looking promising but they need to check that they have the right amount of funding for it so fingers crossed for me!

    Happy to be back in London for the weekend, although wishing there was a bit more sun! What is everyone up to this weekend?
