shawneez75 Member


  • While artificial sweeteners may be a zero calorie alternative to sugar, they are in no way healthier. Diet sodas may use a variety of artificial sweeteners in place of sugar, including aspartame, which acts as a neurotoxin. Also known as NutraSweet, aspartame originally received FDA approval for use in carbonated beverages…
  • ^^AGREED! SMH...They have just as much right to be on the machine as you do and can do it at their own pace. At least they are in a gym walking and not at home on a couch. This kind of reaction from people like you is one of the reasons LOTS of people stop going to a gym in the first place, your sense of entitlement could…
  • :heart: this...needed to be reminded...Thank you for posting!!:flowerforyou:
  • :flowerforyou: You are BEAUTIFUL! You are doing an amazing job...keep on going girl!
  • :drinker: What an amazing accomplishment! Love the words of encouragement. I too joined MFP 6 months ago and am only at 37 pounds lost and feel like I am going at a slower pace than most. I can say that I have stuck to this longer than anything else I have tried and have made this a life long journey and the weight loss at…
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me!
  • I have used the Shred it with weights and No more trouble zones...both have helped me tone and lose several inches in as little as 3 weeks...I believe you will lose 10 pounds in 3 months if your diet is right and push yourself through her of luck!
  • This had my heart pumping faster than the stair climber.... I am so thankful that you bit your tounge. Those girls I am sure get ENOUGH comments and stares that had you added your comments in a moment of cruelty could have been something they remembered for a long time...all so you could have slept better at night no…
  • I asked my nutritonist this question last week and she said: You need half your body weight in water so that is 98.5 ounces of water a day, or 3 liters. THEN SHE GAVE ME THIS PAPER THAT SAID: If you eat a healthy diet, about 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat. If you eat a healthy diet you can drink…
  • I got theBiggest Loser workout that they used 2 seasons ago during an on tv challenge and let me tell is amazing! It logs your body frame and will give suggested workouts... You sweat and are part of the workout...Bob's voice tells you your knees need to be higher or your not moving fast slacking on…
  • Welcome Brooke! I would be more than happy to support you and motivate you in anyway I can... I have been binge free for 30 days! The day I joined MFP! Logging everything I put in my mouth and what it was costing me health wise and the support from others has helped me... Reaching out is the first step. 2nd is giving the…
  • Here is a website that lets you know how many calories you burn having sex or during foreplay and tons of "other" things....all of this is based on your weight, your age and FITBIT is almost spot on with most things on this site... Hope I helped end the debate from…
  • I wear a Fitbit and it logs everything. Just cleaning my home it says I walked 10,798 steps if you do the math that's 5 miles. I burn about 804 calories in 2 hours once a week.... This should get logged however I have not listed cleaning since some fitness ding dong started telling me I would never lose weight that way. I…
  • I have more weight to lose than you but could be a sorce of encouragement and motivation if you need...
  • I sent you a request!
  • I am thankful that I have started to take control of my life...:drinker: I am thankful that my son is healing so fast...A TRUE MIRACLE!:happy: I am also thankful that my hubby made it through a hard time lastnight and that everything worked out the way it did....:flowerforyou: I am so blessed to be the mother of such…
  • You look great!! Keep up the hard work!
  • I am 5'5" and would like to be a happy, healthy curvy 150-155...I have been above 200 for 10 years and am now 186...I have a long journey ahead of me but will get to that curvey beauty in no time!! Anyone want to encourage me to get there or need encouragement...add me!!
  • I am the same way when I get my calorie burn at night in the gym and have already finished my days worth of food...I just am not trainer says it may be the water I drink during my workouts but no matter what it is my net calories are under. My goal is to lose weight...I do not want my body to think I am…
  • Welcome!! This site is amazing...feel free to add me...I will do all that I can to encourage you along the way...I am also looking for a strong support unit...Hope to chat with you soon! :o)
  • Would love to be a part of your group...