

  • I understand the importance of water, but what is your take on powerade zero, or crystal light. It is so hard for me to get in 8 glasses of WATER in, although it makes it a whole lot easier with a diluted flavored drink.....any thoughts????
  • That sounds so good....definately copied and pasted that one! Ty so much FC. Lovinlife
  • Kansas City, Missouri here!
  • Hey to everyone. As of yesterday, I am new as well. I also have at least 60 lbs to lose. Last year I quit my full time nursing job and subsequently gained 60 lbs. Yes, that is 60 lbs in ONE YEAR! I completely stopped moving. The funny thing is that I told myself that I was just "fat and happy". How funny is that, right???…
  • would love to have them as well....anything crockpot =simple to me. My addy is jenngish@yahoo.com
  • I am new to MFP...after reading the questions, topics and support given by everyone, I think this may be a pleasant ride. I look forward to chatting with everyone and tapping into the knowledge bank.:wink:
  • :smile: That is just crazy! I have always known that soda has empty calories but that is amazing. Keep up the good work.