MissStatement Member


  • Look on the bright side. He'd be perfectly preserved.
  • Oh ok :laugh: I thought you meant they are no good. My legs are like jello when I'm done with them. And burpees do suck.
  • Cut me some slack, I'm a newb. :flowerforyou: I fully intend to get into barbell front and back squats, but at this stage, and with a history of herniated disks and signs of disk degeneration, I need to get the form down before I progress.
  • That may not be the sort of help that you want, but at your BMI it may be the sort of help that you need.
  • I can't watch the video, and anyway I'm pretty new to squatting, but even with a bad knee and neck I have found that I can get way past parallel doing goblet squats. This is far lower than I ever though possible and I am able to keep good form with knees staying in line with toes and elbows coming inside of the knees at…
  • I am 5'7.5" and started out at 175, so a bit lighter, but after playing around with the numbers I settled on 1500 calories/day. I started out just eating the deficit and not regularly exercising, and cheating on the weekends, and was losing at the rate of about 1/2 pound a week. I got down to about 163 and stalled. I added…
  • Obese people can do this under close observation of their physician. Not someone who is already at the "underweight" tipping point, like the OP. OP, please consider eating back every calorie you exercise and eating much more in general.
  • I'll let the calorie afterburn debate rage on. OP, how bad is your back? I am not a doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer so take this with a HUGE grain of salt. I can't tell you what you should be doing, but I wanted to share my bad back tale. When I was 30 I herniated two discs in my back (L4-5 and L5-S1)…
  • Heh. http://www.theonion.com/articles/i-am-so-starving-vs-i-am-so-starving,11541/
  • I just take a multivitamin, fish oil (I'm not a fish eater and I don't otherwise get enough omega-3's) and occasionally extra calcium. I buy whatever's cheap :)
  • I second the argan oil. It does not look greasy and gives my hair a soft feel. I have hard water in my home and daily washing can really take its toll. I'm curious about dry shampoos, never tried one but people I know who have like them.
  • Does your gym have an area devoted to circuit training? That might be a good solution for you - you get cardio and resistance training benefits and the workout changes every minute.
  • Half and half (fat free or regular), and real sugar. Measure it accurately and log it. I cannot drink coffee without some sort of milk or cream, I hate the non-dairy stuff and I hate the taste of artificial sweetener. I have my two cups every morning and that's the way it's gonna be.
  • Right now I only have time to go to a gym 2x per week, so I am doing a full body workout both days. After I'm no longer a noob, I will tru an upper/lower split. A good rule of thumb I've heard is to make sure you are working each muscle at least 2x per week - hence the total body. I stick with compound lifts (squat,…
  • I'm new to free weights and I've started with goblet squats with a 20 lb. dumbbell. Google them, they are a great teacher of form and don't require a spotter. Trust me when I say you will feel them in your entire lower body for days afterward. As for upper body, until I work up enough strngth to bench just the Olympic bar,…
  • Then I would say keep trying to get another opinion or find a doctor who is willing to allow you to try physical therapy. Are there any orthopedic surgeons you can consult? My family doctor referred me back to my orthopedic surgeon (he repaired my ACL years before) and he was of the opinion that the more conservatively it…
  • Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was trying to tell the OP that if her time is limited, then rather use the split you suggested, she should stick to the compound lifts.
  • Tom Sawyer - Rush Creeping Death - Metallica
  • I herniated discs at L4-L5 and L5-S1 that laid me out for two solid weeks. Later on, I also herniated a disc at C6-C7 (neck) that was so bad it caused my right arm to go numb and lose strength. For both, I decided to try therapy first, then if that didn't work, the injections, and finally surgery if it couldn't be…
  • You don't need to concentrate on triceps and biceps. In fact, incorporating compound lifts pretty much eliminates the need to focus on any isolation exercises, unless you have a specific goal of strengthening those particular muscles. If you don't enjoy free weights, then for now stick with the machines. Leg press,…
  • Ditto on the genetics thing. I ate like crap, retained water like crazy, had a huge belly and gained 40 lbs. I was also older (36) when I had my daughter. No stretch marks. My mom didn't have them either. I have small ones on my boobs, inner thighs and hips but they have been there since puberty and are not really visible.
  • Combine baking soda and water in a bucket or bowl. Allow the gloves to soak for a few hours at least, then wash in the regular laundry.
  • I reliably gain 5 lb the week before and then lose it the week after. I gain/lose more now than I did when i was younger (I used to go up only about 2-3 lb).
  • Unfortunately, you can't pick and choose where to lose weight. I'm an apple shape and I've had a c-section, so my belly is the worst part on me. Some of my issue is just loose skin which at my age will probably never improve without surgery :( There is another thread going right now with good suggestions for ab exercises,…
  • First rule of fit club - you don't talk about fit club. :tongue: JK congrats, well done! :drinker:
  • Take "before" pics. A visual reminder of how far you have come is a very powerful tool to keep you motivated. Don't solely rely on the scale, also take measurements. Know that your weight will go up and down on a daily basis, and don't be discouraged if the numbers don't go down when you expect them to. Weight loss is not…
  • I gain about 5 lbs the week before and it comes back off a few days after. So basically there is just a week and a half out of each month that I don't feel like a bloated mess. Oh and no BC to regulate anything either.
  • I would also add buying a stability ball (can be had for under ten bucks at Walmart). There is a trove of bodyweight exercises that can be done using it, plus it can double as a weight bench. Just make sure you get the proper size for your height.