I need help to lose 50 lbs!!!!

Tomorrow is my first day and I just discovered this site! Any tips/tricks/suggestions are wanted! And thank you in advance!


  • mikemeador94
    For me I just stick to MFP, daily. Once you start tracking how much you eat/calories it's a real eye opener. Find your motivation to lose the weight and stick to the app.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Push yourself to the MAX! The app for your phone has a built in bar code scanner, I use it all the time. Also if you want to really know your exercise amount for YOUR BODY, get a body media armband or a heart rate monitor. You will lose that 50lbs in no time!!
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I agree with Mike, choose your goals, be realistic, and record everything. No freebie calories, not even for vegetables.

    I don't think there are any tricks, just log in daily and enter your info.
  • faithsimmons526
    faithsimmons526 Posts: 162 Member
    1) Patience. The weight didn't just show up suddenly, and it won't disappear suddenly either ... but if you stick to your calorie and exercise goals, before long you'll be seeing and feeling the positive changes.

    2) If you're normal like most of us, you WILL have the occasional bad day. Log it, learn from it, and move forward. Don't use it as 'proof' that you can't do this. The truth is that you can ...
  • TheycallmeHotDonna
    TheycallmeHotDonna Posts: 26 Member
    No tricks, just dedication to yourself!! Log in everyday, eat lean and get in as much exercise as possible. I've been logging on to this site for well over a year. I have made some of the best friends a person can make and I have developed a huge respect for myself that I never had before. LOG IN LOG IN LOG IN!! Good luck!!
  • DollyMamma
    DollyMamma Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • cici418
    cici418 Posts: 12 Member
    All I can do is agree...you need to log EVERYTHING. Create recipes if you cook at home....scanning the bar codes is a HUGE convenience. I don't think I have found a product that wasn't in the database, yet.

    Another thing that I don't do, is log things I do around the house. I only give myself credit when I do a real workout. I don't log housework and stuff like that. I log my GYM time. That's just a suggestion....but each to their own.

    Also, if anyone needs a motivator...or friend on here... ADD me :))))
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    Log EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY!!!! .... and lurk in the message boards!!! there ares so many people with excellent advice and tips. and pros and experts here too. also, when you're feeling down, its always nice to know that other's are battling the same thing. and if you need some motivation - the success stories will put your butt in gear :-)

    GOOD LUCK!!! i have 65+ pounds to lose myself.
    ADD ME if you need support! Lets do this!
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    Need to knows:

    -Invest in a heart rate monitor. They are pricey, yes, but if you are planning on making exercise part of you weight loss, you won't regret it.
    -Food scale/measuring cups/spoons. Makes logging things here easier and helps with accuracy.
    -When grocery shopping, stick to the walls and avoid the aisles unless necessary. You'll find all your macros there...produce, meats, dairy...
    -Do not deprive yourself. If you're craving something, eat it (in moderation) and be sure to log it. Ideally, you can work off the calories or just make room for them.
    -Don't stress the scale. Measure. Assess how you feel in clothes, etc.
    -Don't quit, regardless of the bad days and the set backs. Stick with it.

    This site makes it super easy to be successful. You'll get used to the logging pretty soon and it will become routine :)

    Good luck! Friend request coming your way for support!
  • bjj681972
    bjj681972 Posts: 1 Member
    Surround yourself by like minded people. I have lost a total of 50 lbs and at 41 I am in better shape now than I was at 20 and in the Marine Corp. Good luck!!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Get a good scale.
    measure everything
    Eat the correct amount of calories, don't go under your minimum
    Go for losing 1lb a week - you may lose more each week at first, but it's a more realistic goal and you don't want set yourself up for discouragement
    Exercise - cardio and weight training - the more you exercise the more you may eat if you want to
    Start a love affair with fruits and veggies
    Eat a protein any time you eat a carb
    Drink lots and lots of water - all day - every day
    Forgive yourself
    If you go crazy and "fall off' your program, get back on it. You can do this.
    The only person you have to be honest with is yourself.
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    Take "before" pics. A visual reminder of how far you have come is a very powerful tool to keep you motivated. Don't solely rely on the scale, also take measurements. Know that your weight will go up and down on a daily basis, and don't be discouraged if the numbers don't go down when you expect them to. Weight loss is not linear. Good luck.
  • gloriaallen36
    gloriaallen36 Posts: 123 Member
    Having lots of supporting friends on mfp, feel free to add me! good luck to you~ :flowerforyou:
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Log everything, don't give up & I'm sure there is more I could say but it's probably already been said :flowerforyou:
    JENNTF Posts: 78 Member
    So glad to have you on here and taking the first step to a healthier you. MFP is a great place to start. Tracking your calories and exercise daily is going to be a major wake up call. People don't realize (myself included) how many empty calories that consume everyday just from a bite here or a nibble there. Stay faithful to yourself and log everything, even if you think it is no big deal.

    It is up to you to decide how you are going to log calories and what system you are going to use there. What exercises are you currently doing? If you do not already have a exercise program you can inbox me and I can give you some really good ideas.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for added encouragement and advice. Good luck in your journey!!
  • raymondoverman
    Push aways.

    Push away from the table when you've eaten enough to sustain your daily calorie goals. Track calorie intake with MFP. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid), at least at the beginning. I'm not worried about the macros at this point, just the calories and I've been successful.

    That said, I haven't made a diet of cheese and diet coke either. I don't like structured diets. I'm an opportunistic omnivore. Don't tell me what you're having, just invite me to dinner.

    What's worked for me is removing the opportunity to eat cake and ice cream and candy and cookies and I've kept my portions reasonable. Be sensible about your food. Eat as much unprocessed foods as possible to reach your calorie goals. From my experience, think produce aisle, meat counter, seafood, eggs, dairy, pasta and whole grain bread instead of the aisles in the middle of the store. It's OK to mix some of the box products and cans in. Just make sure you're not basing all your calories off of Kraft Mac & Cheese. Make food prep sensible too, roasted, baked, grilled, smoked, raw, boiled and lightly sauteed have been good to me. Battered and deep fried or seasoned with ham hocks and bacon grease have not.

    Push away from the couch, the chair, the ground. Exercise. Track that exercise with either a phone app or a pedometer type device (fitbit, up, fuelband). It doesn't have to start out with a strenuous marathon run. Make small progressive changes and increase movement. Make sure you're measuring that movement and feed it back into MFP. Eat the calories you gain from the exercise. It's OK and will help support your long term goals.

    Actually, I like to leave a little deficit, a couple hundred calories, each day if I can. It's a psychological thing that I'm caching calories for those days when I know I'm going to have a piece of pie for dessert after the shrimp and grits and the cold beer. It helps keep me honest and works for me but may not work for you. You'll still lose the weight if you eat the calories MFP suggests and are honest with the app and yourself.

    Push away from old habits and develop patterns in your daily life that promote good health. Repeatable processes are easy to remember, to follow and become part of your routine. Jumping from one thing to the next gets confusing and could give conflicting results. Stick with one thing for a month or two and let it work before jumping to something else. Couch to 5K is a good example. It won't help to start it and then jump to Jane Fonda workout videos mid way through. The next best thing isn't always the best thing for you. Staying the course and not being confused is better than going over a cliff and being frustrated to the point of quitting, or worse yet, getting injured. Perfect is the enemy of good.

    Push away from the alcohol. Moderation is key here. It's empty calories and you count them in MFP. I like a cold beer, a glass of wine, whiskey or a single malt scotch on an occasional basis. The key is to not over indulge and don't cheat yourself. Be mindful of how it's going to effect your eating and exercising.

    Push away from depending on others to support or dictate your goals. I know this is counter intuitive to the MFP forums but you have to be the person to make the changes and you can't depend on those around you to constantly support your efforts. Encouragement and support is wonderful and experienced advice is great but you have to filter the things you know won't work for you and concentrate on the things you know that will. I have my way of losing weight and I've been successful at following it through. I cannot make, nor do I want to make my wife follow my rules for eating and exercise. I have no doubt that the rules work but they are mine and would not support achieving her goals in a way she would be comfortable. That's OK. She's on her journey, I'm on mine and we're together on ours.

    "Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -- Napoleon Hill, 1938, "Think and Grow Rich"

    I hope this helps and good luck.
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