

  • Just found this thread. Having menopausal issues on top of mindset issues, and just want some gals to chat with. ammknits in NC
  • Anyone in Brier Creek, Raleigh? On ACC Blvd and hate walking in the heat!
  • That sounds yummy, and I didn't get any pumpkin pie last week!:happy:
  • My monster, too. Angeleyes! I find the more I notice that I am stress eating, the more I decide I don't care and just keep making bad choices. All those healthy choices are fabulous, and they work to some degree, but once I start thinking about having to make a healthy choice about what I'm stress eating, my stress is even…
  • Way to Go!!! Congrats!! I'm jealous, I can't seem to be that dedicated for more than an hours worth of intentions. :-) And just to be sarcastic and hopefully make you smile, not wince........ ;-) you know you'll put it all right back on too. When you lose it that fast, of course!!!!
  • Jason, hang on, pal. My program does differentiate between bypass and banding. Like Lisamarie I could add foods of heavier consistency over a period of time, yet not have any specific calorie intake limits. It's too bad yours doesn't, but I would definitely give them feedback on that issue. They need to adjust, the…
  • The Cran-Pomegranate from Target is one of my favs
  • Had a great NEACCA festival concert, mowed the lawn last night. Well, not the whole lawn, but hacked at the worst of it. Hubby is sick, but on antibiotics, so he should be good. Still keeping up with posts on diary, it's not that bad with the iPhone feature. I might try again tonight. We'll see.