

  • Okay maybe you aren't burning a million calories, but it's still pretty significant for yoga I believe. Not only that but having to hold your body in those positions requires a lot of strength, you can feel your body getting stronger. That increase in muscle will help you bun calories in the long run right?. Maybe you…
  • I am in! Now I have even more accountability!
  • thats good! I was envisioning jello like food all the time... bleck lol
  • I used to use flax seeds, but they were hard for me to digest even ground. I switched over to chia seeds and they have been great! I just throw them in fruit juice or a smoothie
  • I get worried about sprinkling them on my food in case they gel up on food that I do not want that texture. I love the texure in drinks and to thicken soups. Does the ground chia gel? I got my seeds at a health food store 9 dollars per ounds. and that is A LOT of chia seeds. They are also on amazon for 5lbs for 35 dollars
  • Chia seeds are an anti-oxidant packed little seend. they are really high in fiber and omega 3's. They are kinda a craze where I am from so I assumed everyone would know about them haha. They are really interesting becuase they gel up in water. Apparently it is thought that they do a similar thing in your belly which helps…
  • chicken lettuce cups!! mince up some chicken breast and water chestnuts and marinate them in low sodium soy sauce, worchester sauce, a little bit of brown sugar and a pinch of cayenne pepper. sautee the mixture with diced onion and bell pepper. use ice berg lettuce are baby romaine or even endive as the cup and you have a…