nycalison Member


  • I'm guilty of this too :ohwell: I will be more aware of it now though! I think I'm just naturally more inspired by women, since I can see myself in them
  • I like old fashioned cooked oatmeal with banana and chocolate chips, or some maple syrup, or banana and peanut butter :) Depends on the rest of my day though bc of calories!
  • What? I am your "twin"- I'm 5'2 and started at exactly 178! Thank you for the inspiration, awesome job :D
  • Thanks for all of the advice! I love all of the feedback, I honestly don't feel deprived at 1200 calories on a normal day, I just have to remember not to go under, and not get crazy if I go a little over. The listening to my body part is going to be the hardest part of this journey, since I can confuse hunger with thirst,…
  • Thank you! Ok, so my BMR is 1,453, times 30% activity level , (I'm doing the 30 day shred and run around with my toddler, so lightly active I would say) equals 1,453+436=1,889. A 500 calorie deficit a day should burn a lb a week... and since my workout burns about 200 calories, if I cut another 300 calories from my…
  • haha I know what you mean! mine has gone from a frown to an "o" lol congrats!
  • Started level 3 today- I spent so much time trying to figure out how exactly to do the moves that I think I only got half a workout, but tomorrow its on lol I have no coordination at all so at some points I couldnt figure out exactly how to position myself, I guess at level 3 Jillian is assuming that she doesn't have to…
    in Level 3 Comment by nycalison March 2012
  • Just wanted to add that stress also affects your period! If you are seriously stressed that its keeping you up at night that might just be it- I know that I have skipped mine while going through a breakup or school finals, things like that :) I don't think it means anything too serious, just a "perk" of being female-…
  • Awesome job! Thank you for sharing, this is why I <3 mfp, people like you keep me motivated :)
  • You look great! I can definitely see it in the waist especially :) Thats funny, one of the things I'm looking forward to is getting dressed up in whatever sexy costume I want lol
  • I've only tried chobani, but I didn't like it either! I kind of ate the fruit with a tiny bit of yogurt on my spoon- I really wanted to love it lol
  • Wow, you are a whole new person! Thank you for sharing :) A fabulous before and after that includes a tardis? Great start to my day lol
  • Haha I don't have it memorized yet, like in level 1 I would know when we are getting to the end- so I was like nooooo both days, hopefully I'll remember today so it's not such a shock! But I'm still doing it anyway, and that is a far cry from the "old" me, who would have never even gotten to level two :)
  • I'm so glad everyone says it gets easier! I did day 2 of level 2 today and was begging for Jillian to please stop lol I'm much sweatier and hotter than level one, but that is a good thing, just hate it while I'm doing it thank God its only 20 minutes!
  • thank you! my dvd said that it came with one but I couldn't find it on the site, you're a life saver :)
  • Thats awesome! I know that good that feels to not have to shop in the "big" section :)
  • I feel the same way sometimes! I don't want to eat just to fill up my food diary, so sorry no help, but I feel ya!
  • Just moved to Hamilton :)
  • Wow, total inspiration- I'm pretty much where you started, it seems like such a long road ahead!
  • Congratulations! I know how good that feels :D