rebeccald08 Member


  • It's true. I have been following a specific diet and I was seeing weight come off, but not where I wanted it to - my tummy. It takes a while to come off, but it does eventually come off! Keep at it and you'll be golden! :smile: Best of luck!!!
  • I feel the same way. I didn't eat at all this weekend. I was told to only eat a protein shake for every meal Friday through today. (I'm getting fitted for my wedding dress on Friday and this is a weight loss plan given to me by a few counselors at my weight loss center.) And, I only lost 2 pounds. It's frustrating, but you…
  • awesome! Thanks!!
  • I say you shouldn't eat when you don't feel hungry. Sometimes water does make you feel full, so that's good. Whenever you feel hungry, try drinking water first. If you are still hungry, then eat. If you feel like you have to eat, get something small to eat - like a piece of fruit or some veggies and dip. :)
  • I don't think it's a good idea to eat the same thing day in and day out. You will get bored very easily from it. I repeat a pattern every other day or every 2 days. I eat oatmeal or cereal for breakfast. For lunch I make a sandwich, have leftovers from the night before, or have a boxed meal (such as a lean cuisine). And…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! I might have to try each and every one... they all sound good!! :wink:
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I understand being lazy. Heck, I know we all get that way at least every once in a while. :smile: I don't mind if he does it maybe once a week. But lately his habit of going out has led me to go out with him and then eat poorly. I'm working on it. I can certainly say that I'm definitely a lot…
  • Hi all... I just joined this morning and I'm looking for any ideas and all the motivation I can get. I'm 5' 2" and weigh about 135 lbs. I'm at my heaviest weight and I want to shed some pounds. I want to lose between 10-15 pounds for my wedding in October and then be able to keep it off. I'm trying to get my fiance to diet…