lmustoe Member


  • Congrats!! You look amazing! You give me hope to get back down to my perferred weight! Keep up the lifestyle!
  • Oh I thought that they took everything into consideration. When I set it up it asked me how often I planned to work out a week and how many minutes I planned on working out each day, so that is NOT factored into my daily caloric allowance?
  • ok I set my fitness pal to lose 1.5 pounds a week, it tells me to eat 1280 calories a day with me agreeing to work out a certain amount thats why you have a daily exercise goal as well as calories, I think I am to do 240 minutes of exercise a week and a certain amount of calories to burn with exercise a day. So under that…
  • Most definetly. I just got on Metformin and feel so much better. Rewind to last October I was finally starting to see some results at the gym and then boom the blood sugar attacks hit harder then ever in my life. I'm talking I thought I was having a stroke. Energy levels and knee injury and moving put me out of the gym for…
  • Can you combine the cinnimon with met?? Also hear a lot about organic apple cider vinigar, anyone try that? Can you use it in combo with met? Met is working good for me thus far. Been on it a week and a half after gaining a pound every two weeks despite working out and watching my calories, and have lost 4.5lbs!! Just want…
  • I agree, fruit is a natural food. The one thing I live by is live food is best. If its natural its ok. But do keep in mind which fruits are higher in carbs and watch those. Although I am a runner so I eat a banana a day to keep the charlie horses away and they are high in carbs lol.
  • Ya know I give up on giving up carbs lol. I just try to get most of them from fruits and veggies. But I bake my own wheat bread from scratch and I buy 80 calorie mini pitas, also make my own wheat noodle for spagetti and stuff. I limit bread and pasta but don't get rid of it. Also it helps me when my husband is away…
  • ME TOO!! I find myself waking up and thinking I don't care and eat fruit snacks or a cerial bar or whatever. Its like your half asleep and your inhibitions are gone lol. I do find that if I cave about an hour before bed and eat half a banana or a small bowl of low cal cerial it helps and I don't wake up in the middle os…
  • I think its called black forest cherry cake? Has whipped cream between layers of chocolate cake with cherries...heaven..
  • I just started Metformin 500/3x a day. I have started feeling so much better after taking it. I was on it when preggo with my son and it really helped me. My daughter I was on nothing and gained 110 pounds, got thin and got pregnant with my son 10yrs later. Started gaining weight again and having blood sugar attacks so…
  • I have been on Metfromin since June 23rd. I was working out 4 days a week and watching what I ate but everytime I really restricted calories to the 1200 MFP wanted me at I started having blood sugar attacks. So I would eat more and I was starting to gain about a pound a week. And when I say I worked out I mean 5 miles…
  • I get that too, right now I am freezing. I walk out in 90 degree weather with a hoodie on lol. I don't know why it happens but it does. Maybe someone knows why...
  • HELP!! What the hay is TDEE??? :drinker: :ohwell:
  • fellow PCOSer here. Had symptoms my whole life but was dx via ultrasound about 7yrs ago. I went from 210 to 140 by going veggie and working out 6 days a week. Also didn't eat much bread at all. Then I got pregnate with my son and am at 170. For the last year I kept trying to lose weight to no avail. Last October I was…
  • I completley agree with you, sure you can eat them and won't notice a change right away. In fact your doctor will probably tell you its your genetics or your yo yo dieting causing your achs and pains and diabeties and so on and so forth but the fact is its what we eat. Yes if you just want to lose weight its basically…
  • I am feeling your pain, I have been in a battle since last August. I get down to about 163 and start getting really bad blood sugar attacks. Anytime I cut back on calories I start issues with blood sugar. More recently I did it again! starting logging lost some weight started getting attacks. So I quit and gain back 10 lbs…