

  • Yesterday I could only manage 976 and that was with splurging on mac and cheese. When I'm below I'm usually close to the 1200 mark but not quite there. I'm below 1200 usually once or twice a week. I've recently got more serious about weight loss and started working out a couple of weeks ago and usually can't manage to eat…
  • I always use my leftovers. I usually plan a second meal around them for example, if a ham is on sale for cheap, I will buy enough to have a ham dinner and then use the leftovers for sandwiches, ham and beans, ham and macaroni, etc. We also save money by having my husband take leftovers to work for his lunch. He is usually…
  • If your boyfriend insists on throwing in unhealthy snacks, etc. limit him to watch can fit in the child seat of the cart. Then he has to be selective about what he gets and you will purchase less. I also base my menus on what is on sale in the ad. When I write my list I write it in the order that will take me to what I…
  • I take a liquid supplement that has all the B vitamins in it. You squirt it in your mouth and hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow. I was told that the "extra" will just be peed out and not stored.
  • My guilty pleasures are: 3 Musketeers candy bars Beer Wine Margaritas Philly cheese steak Wizards (similar to a Dairy Queen blizzard but made at a local ice cream store with homemade ice cream) Fried chicken Pizza I don't replace my guilty pleasures. I just try to avoid them. If I know I can't avoid them, I prepare myself…
  • Not to get too personal but are you eating your feelings? My mom died suddenly 3 years ago and I started eating my grief. I was in a binge cycle that I am working hard to break. I signed up on here almost a year ago but haven't been "ready" for it until now. Maybe you should see a counselor and see if it helps you.
  • Thank you! Now I don't feel like I'm slacking on the days I just do weight training. :)
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