B12 Help!

Recently that my doctor informed me that I have a very low B12 count, almost to say that I have a deficiency. He says this is because I have cut a lot of meat out of my diet. I don't eat meat everyday, but I do try to throw a little bit of deli meat in my salad that I eat everyday and eat some sort of chicken/steak/fish etc at least twice a week for dinner. I have started taking B12 supplements more regularly (everyday) to hopefully improve this level. Are there any foods that are high in B12 besides meat and seafood? Thanks!


  • ForTheSmile
    ForTheSmile Posts: 89 Member
    From what I've read, B12 is the only vitamin that can't be found in fruits or veggies. Also, I was told I was dangerously low, so I started taking a supplement. After a month, they retested me and said I was way too high. Not sure what's up with that, but make sure to get tested before taking the supplements for too long.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I believe it's also in milk but you'll want to check it, also a lot of fortified vegan foods - check the labels. Definitely get retested after a while to make sure that the problem was the diet and not you (there can be problems with absorption).
  • I take a liquid supplement that has all the B vitamins in it. You squirt it in your mouth and hold it under your tongue for 30 seconds and then swallow. I was told that the "extra" will just be peed out and not stored.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Definitely take a liquid supplement and possibly get a new doctor. Did the doctor give you a shot to bring your B12 levels up? Did the doctor schedule a follow up appointment?

    Many people actually have problems digesting B12 and may require shots on a regular basis or at the least, regular supplementation regardless of their diet. And not to scare you but if you aren't properly absorbing B12, it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Thanks everyone for the input. My doctor said since I haven't been taking the B12 regularly, we need to see what happens with taking the B12 vitamin everyday. He did give me all the options of shots and things of that matter, but I'd like to try the vitamins first. We scheduled a follow up visit in another month or so, to see. I shall continue to take the vitamins then. Thanks again.