

  • pasta with pesto sauce; hard to just eat a regular serving and not overdo it. Keeping a regular cardio exercicise regimen helps me negate negative results (most of the time)
  • Don't get discouraged. Several times during my major weight loss program, I would hit weight plateaus like yourself where I found it difficult to lose more weight. Persist with your program of diet and execise and you'll soon see positive results. Sometimes I would change my exercise routines to keep my body "guessing" so…
    in Stuck Comment by Paco7 December 2011
  • Several factors could be in play here. How's your blood pressure (at rest and post exercise)? Do you sweat excessively during hard workouts and are you adequately replacing fluids lost along with electrolytes? Do you suffer from allergies which can plug up your sinuses and cause dizziness sensations?Have you just recently…
  • Your husband may have a higher BMI at rest and after exercising than you. Also remember that muscle tissue (don't know how muscular he is) burns more calories.If his ratio of muscle to body fat is fairly high and yours isn't then he'll probably burn more calories efficiently as compared to you. Who's drinking more water?…
  • It still depends on your overall activity levels on a given day and your BMI (basal metabolic index) at rest. You will lose weight if your caloric needs (intake) are less than your caloric expenditures (exercise/activities). When I was quite overweight many years ago, I was put on a 800-1000 calorie diet. I was able to eat…
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