Need Some Advice

Okay I am just starting to count my calories and even though MFP say for me to loose 2 lbs a week I'd have to eat 1200 cals a day, but other sites I have read said you shouldnt eat that low of calories because it can cause your body to go into starvation mode, so I used a differnent calorie calculator and it came out 1503 cals a day. Which should I go by? How many of you guys eat 1200 cals a day and it works you are loosing weight a good pace? Will I still lose weight a 1503 cals a day. I do JM workout everday allowing myself ( sometimes) 1 rest day .


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Maybe you should change your goal to lose 1lb per week - it will give you more calories each day. Do you also eat the extra calories you get from the JM workout?
  • Losing* :flowerforyou:

    If you eat your exercise calories back then you should be fine. I eat at 1200 NET and lose at a steady pace
  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    I can only say what works for me...Im on 1200 a day and have been losing weight at a good pace - about .5-1kg a week on average. Im generally able to easily stick within these calories, and I often eat my exercise calories. I certainly have not gone into 'starvation mode'. Erin :)
  • It ca get pretty confusing with different sources giving different info. I've found that for me personally 1200 works and I lose weight as long atIeast 5-6 small meals, instead of 3 usual meals. Basically it keep metabolism high and the constant food supply so I'm guessing that prevents the body entering starvation. Not sure but that's my logic!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    My calorie intake is set for 1480 a day, and I try to stay close to this number. And sometimes I will eat back some of my excersise calories also, but not always.
  • MFP tells you how much you should eat based on the activity level you selected and your current stats. I take it you selected sedentary or lightly active. The 1200 calories is what MFP suggests if you just sit on your bum all day and do nothing. If you enter exercise each day(and log it) MFP will give you more calories. I exercise on most days so although my net calorie intake is around 1200 each day I actually eat around 1,500.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Maybe you should change your goal to lose 1lb per week - it will give you more calories each day. Do you also eat the extra calories you get from the JM workout?

    This. 2 lbs a week is tough.
  • I agree with back your exercise calories and you'll take in over the 1200 but still be at goal. My goal through MFP is set at 1200 net also but it only indicates that I will lose about 1.4 lbs per week. I just go with it and eat back my exercise calories because for some reason I feel I need more than 1200 calories. Just pay attention to your body's response and take it one day at a time.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Thank you! I'll try to keep my calorie intake as close to 1200 and IF after a month it's to hard for me i'll bump it uo to 1400. and i'll eat bck thos evercise calories
  • canegrovern
    canegrovern Posts: 21 Member
    Please keep your calorie intake to 1200 all you need as a woman is 1200 and after you reach your goal then and only then should you increase your intake because lossing is easy maintaining is hard so try and stick with it .
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Please keep your calorie intake to 1200 all you need as a woman is 1200 and after you reach your goal then and only then should you increase your intake because lossing is easy maintaining is hard so try and stick with it .

    I disagree. Do your research and find what works for YOU. Losing is NOT EASY.
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    Hm, I'm not sure. From what I have heard 1200 calories is the lowest and anything below that will cause your body to go into starvation mode. I usually consume about 1200 to 1300 calories and I have lost a pant size in the,past month along with exercising although I have had days where I got reallllly off track so I am sure that didn't help. Personally 1500 is what I was told would put my body into maintainence. So I wouldn't lose or gain weight. I am not as strict with my calories though. Sometimes I will consume 1200 calories and burn 300 working out and other days I will just consume 1200 calories and not workout then the next I may consume 1600 calories and work out. I have to be realistic and I have heard switching up your calorie intake is good because it will keep your body guessing and can get your metabolism going again.
  • Paco7
    Paco7 Posts: 5
    It still depends on your overall activity levels on a given day and your BMI (basal metabolic index) at rest. You will lose weight if your caloric needs (intake) are less than your caloric expenditures (exercise/activities). When I was quite overweight many years ago, I was put on a 800-1000 calorie diet. I was able to eat foods (most of which I liked but obviously in small portions) and have enough energy to do some exercising. The weight came off at a reasonable rate over about 6 months which acted as a positive reinforcement to stick with it. Looking back I remember there were some rough times, but finding activities I enjoyed and not trying for too big a weight loss too quickly made it a positive experience. A 1500 calorie daily limit should be fairly easy to maitain and allow for gradual weight loss on a continual basis. Good luck!
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Eat less than your TDEE and more than your BMR (google it for the formula, I don't remember it off of the top of my head). But yes, your body could go into starvation mode (ketosis), and you may not be getting enough nutrients (No one should go below 1200 a day, your body will go into ketosis if you do it long enough). Do what you think is best, if you feel you need to eat more, then eat more.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    It still depends on your overall activity levels on a given day and your BMI (basal metabolic index) at rest. You will lose weight if your caloric needs (intake) are less than your caloric expenditures (exercise/activities). When I was quite overweight many years ago, I was put on a 800-1000 calorie diet. I was able to eat foods (most of which I liked but obviously in small portions) and have enough energy to do some exercising. The weight came off at a reasonable rate over about 6 months which acted as a positive reinforcement to stick with it. Looking back I remember there were some rough times, but finding activities I enjoyed and not trying for too big a weight loss too quickly made it a positive experience. A 1500 calorie daily limit should be fairly easy to maitain and allow for gradual weight loss on a continual basis. Good luck!

    I think I'll try the 1200 for now. I think I can do it because 1) I exercise reguarly 2) all it should take is me taking more consideration into my meal planning so that that 1200 last me all day