aapayette Member


  • Thanks everyone :) it definitely feels good knowing the hard work didn't go to waste for the holidays!
  • I use a soup ladle for my rice.....my soup ladle measures half a cup exactly so it works perfectly. And it's for cooked rice
    in Rice Comment by aapayette June 2014
  • Don't know how to put a video to play on here so here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLbv1S4ttng
  • I shouldn't have watched this while my baby napped in my arms....she's definitely awake now from my laughing.
  • My weakness is that I LOVE LOVE LOVE baking....cupcakes, banana breads, brownies, etc.....it's just really hard not to eat it all!
  • I am mom of a toddler and an infant (toddler goes to preschool 3 days a week) and I've barely exercised and have mostly been just calorie counting, I've lost 13 lbs since January. I lost about 9 lbs in the first few weeks very quickly and then had a plateau for a couple of weeks, so I went a bought a food scale, and it…
  • How many calories do you guys log for HIIT? I do something like this, but I never know how many calories I burn and can't afford a monitor right now. I know everyone's different, but an average would be nice
    in HIIT?? Comment by aapayette March 2012
  • I agree with brushing your teeth, I never want to eat anything after I brush my teeth. And if you really want them, force yourself to burn the calories in the cookies before you eat them.
  • Nice! Good to have! Thanks for sharing! According to that site, I can now log calories burned while watching tv! There's my workout (jk, I actually have a toddler and an infant to keep up with so it's nice to see that I'm burning quite a few calories without going to the gym) Does anyone log activities that aren't a…
  • I'm in too! I'll weigh myself and take measurements tomorrow morning, then not till Apr 2nd. I just bought a food scale today too so hopefully that helps me lose even more weight. I've gained a lb in the last 2 weeks :(
  • Maybe forcing yourself to log whatever you're craving before you actually eat it might help make you question if it's worth it. You'll see it right in front of you all the calories and sugar. One thing that helped me stop drinking pepsi was to see the 41 grams of sugar pop up everytime. I've also heard a tip on tv to buy a…
  • As far as calories go, if you search breastfeeding where you would search for food it gives you some options that would add an extra 500 calories, plus give you more protein, carbs, and fats. Thats what I do, and I make sure to always eat my breastfeeding calories back.
  • I have the same problem. One thing I do is hard boil some eggs, remove the shells and keep them in the fridge, usually just enough for 3 days, and then in the mornings throw an english muffin in the toaster while I get ready, and throw some peanut butter on it and I can either take it all to go, or grab bites of everything…
  • I'm from a small town outside of Ottawa. I've been a member for a little bit, but only started really tracking everything a little over a week ago.