novagramma Member


  • For my walk tracking, I've been using Runkeeper and love it. It connects to MyFitnessPal and puts in the calories used for you. It also tracks how far you've walked and keeps a log for you.
  • Biotin seems to help some, but not others. I have taken 5000 mg for 3 years now and my fingernails are still a mess (weak, ridges, splitting, etc.). I lost some hair at the 4-6 month post op. So, I'm not convinced that it really does any good, but I still take it.
  • Congrats!!
  • I was low on potassium on my second check-up after surgery. I did not supplement, but started eating raw spinach salads every day, by the next check-up my potassium levels were back to normal. Hope this helps!
  • The first ingredient is sugar.
  • Hi! I was sleeved on 5/21. I haven't been too active on this site, but it would be nice to have sleeve buddies. Feel free to add me as a friend. I don't do well tracking, but I know I need to get into the habit so that I can be successful in the long term, it helps to be accountable.