

  • And Jesus (who IS God) directly speaks in the bible in many places as well.
  • The words were put on paper by specific men...but every aspect of the bible was directly inspired and given from God. Honestly, it is much easier to understand when you read it :) I didn't understand before I came to know Christ.
  • I don't consider it to be fluffy :). Actually, living life for God can be trialing sometimes...definitely not easy, or fluffy. I don't consider any ways of living life to be easy or fluffy.
  • God's word in the bible is what gives us our instructions :). Nope, no phone calls...that would be nice though!
  • I would encourage you to understand who God is through His word :) Prayer plays a huge role, but the bible clearly states many times that we have been given free will...therefore, we are told that there is also a definitive need for self-responsibility to follow through with the support God has given us.
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