What role does faith play?



  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I am interested in hearing what role your faith plays in your weight lose goals/success

    Why do you ask? I am curious. I think in order to make sense of the replies you have to divide people up into

    1. Those who have faith and whose faith plays a large role in their weight loss
    2. Those who have faith and whose faith does not play a role in their weight loss
    3. Those that do not have faith

    Unfortunately, I think the replies of the third group (in which I include myself) are muddying the waters. Interesting question though!

    Not sure why you would think option 3 constitutes muddying the waters. I think option 3 provides the clearest path to your goals. A person who operates with option 3 only has themselves to point the finger at for both success and failure in meeting goals. Option 2 is also a clearer path to goal attainment with self-responsibility.

    I agree, I just mean in terms of the information she seems to be trying to get from her question. Obviously if you are an athiest, religious faith it's not going to play a role. I was just curious why she was asking this. It would be interesting if, among people with faith, those who "use" their faith more for weight loss are more or less successful, for instance.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    When I think about the Flying Spaghetti Monster it gives me the strength I need to keep going.

  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    I asked this earlier, but I believe it got lost in the shuffle:

    From an atheist's point of view, what is faith?

    Faith is blind belief in something without any proof.

    Faith is also very dangerous because it leaves a person open for others to take advantage of them. We see this in the news all the time.....sometimes related to religious things......just as often there are con artists in the secular world. It all goes back to choosing to believe in stuff without any good proof to validate your choice.

    Rational thinking, logic, and such are quite difficult things.....many folks don't even want to try. They would rather an authority figure tell them what the "guy-in-the-sky" wants....and call it faith....and try to make a virtue out of giving up their powers of reason.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    If you don't have FAITH it's impossible to do anything in my book. It's my code Hebrews 11:1.

    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen." One of my favorite verses. :flowerforyou:


    Philippians 4:13~"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

    Psalm 46:1~"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

    I Corinthians 10:31~"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

    Lamentations 3:24~"The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him."

    Hebrews 12:1~"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"

    Psalm 16:11~"Thou wilt show me the path of life. In Thy presence there is fulness of joy, at Thy right hand there are pleaures forevermore."
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    I can't understand why so much bashing from non believers towards believers?

    Please explain where there is bashing??

    The ridiculing of the issue of Faith is what I consider bashing. Perhaps bashing is a strong word but I found it appropriate. The OP asked about Faith in a serious context. It is not a jokey post. Most people have expressed their views in a fair manner, yet quite a few have chosen to make a joke out of a serious issue. This I find disrespectful towards people of Faith, whatever that Faith might be.

    I looked through the posts preceding the one where you said there was a lot of bashing. I don't find any bashing, or ridiculing. Maybe you were offended that some non-believers were so bold as to state their status, but none of them made fun of or put down faith. You weren't able to quote one--"so much bashing" sounds like multiple posts. (Later on in the thread it's definitely starting to deteriorate and get into some ridicule but not before). I'm just responding to you because it often seems that non-believers can't mention that we don't have faith without believers getting all upset towards us. Let's respect and tolerate others as we would like to be respected and tolerated.
  • tnlabaw
    tnlabaw Posts: 7
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.

    Just wondering.......if we are made in his image.......why aren't we all invisible?

    Also.....how do you know what kind of person god wants you to be? Do you get a phone call every day with your instructions?

    God's word in the bible is what gives us our instructions :). Nope, no phone calls...that would be nice though!

    but wasn't the bible written by man?

    The words were put on paper by specific men...but every aspect of the bible was directly inspired and given from God. Honestly, it is much easier to understand when you read it :) I didn't understand before I came to know Christ.
  • It plays a big part for me. I am a Christian and very far from a perfect one, but I know that He accepts me the way that I am.

    We have free will to believe or not to believe.

    I can't understand why so much bashing from non believers towards believers?

    I haven't seen any bashing of believers at all. Where did you see bashing?
    An athiest has to have faith that there is no greater power. Therefore, atheists have faith. Honestly, I believe it takes more faith to not believe in God than to believe in God.

    ?That doesn't make sense. It takes faith to believe in God and it takes no faith not to believe.

    As a Christian I think it takes a huge amount of faith to believe there is no God. If you are wrong, you won't know until it's too late but if I am wrong, it won't matter, I'll just die and that will be the end of that.

    Someone posted that they have evidence that there is no God but where is the Christian's evidence. I have all the evidence I need in this earth that revolves on an "invisible" axis every day and I have further evidence in the bible, which was witness by thousands and thousands of people. But I would love to know where the evidence is that there is no God.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    When I think about the Flying Spaghetti Monster it gives me the strength I need to keep going.

    But He also made me fat, by touching me with his noodly appendage too many times, specifically in my mouth area.

    All hail His Carbiness
  • tnlabaw
    tnlabaw Posts: 7
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.

    Just wondering.......if we are made in his image.......why aren't we all invisible?

    Also.....how do you know what kind of person god wants you to be? Do you get a phone call every day with your instructions?

    God's word in the bible is what gives us our instructions :). Nope, no phone calls...that would be nice though!

    but wasn't the bible written by man?

    The words were put on paper by specific men...but every aspect of the bible was directly inspired and given from God. Honestly, it is much easier to understand when you read it :) I didn't understand before I came to know Christ.

    And Jesus (who IS God) directly speaks in the bible in many places as well.
  • stepinjazz
    stepinjazz Posts: 3
    1. Everything! but more specifically: I first realized that God wanted a better, healthy life for me in order to really do what he has called me to do in this life, second when I was relying on food for comfort I really should have given that "thing" or "situation" to God, and not depend on myself to make everything around me work; Lastly, 12 years ago I broke my leg in three places and dislocated the ankle, and I still have the pins and plates from the surgry in my leg however by grace I am still able to run races, and I've won a few, I am training for a tri coming up in August, so in all of this I know that "All Things are Possible with God Who Strengthens Me."
  • tnlabaw
    tnlabaw Posts: 7
    It plays a big part for me. I am a Christian and very far from a perfect one, but I know that He accepts me the way that I am.

    We have free will to believe or not to believe.

    I can't understand why so much bashing from non believers towards believers?

    I haven't seen any bashing of believers at all. Where did you see bashing?
    An athiest has to have faith that there is no greater power. Therefore, atheists have faith. Honestly, I believe it takes more faith to not believe in God than to believe in God.

    ?That doesn't make sense. It takes faith to believe in God and it takes no faith not to believe.

    As a Christian I think it takes a huge amount of faith to believe there is no God. If you are wrong, you won't know until it's too late but if I am wrong, it won't matter, I'll just die and that will be the end of that.

    Someone posted that they have evidence that there is no God but where is the Christian's evidence. I have all the evidence I need in this earth that revolves on an "invisible" axis every day and I have further evidence in the bible, which was witness by thousands and thousands of people. But I would love to know where the evidence is that there is no God.

  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.

    Just wondering.......if we are made in his image.......why aren't we all invisible?

    Also.....how do you know what kind of person god wants you to be? Do you get a phone call every day with your instructions?

    God's word in the bible is what gives us our instructions :). Nope, no phone calls...that would be nice though!

    but wasn't the bible written by man?

    The words were put on paper by specific men...but every aspect of the bible was directly inspired and given from God. Honestly, it is much easier to understand when you read it :) I didn't understand before I came to know Christ.

    I've read the bible as well as the gospels that were not chosen to be included. Were the Apocrypha also inspired by God?
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    My faith in God is the number 1 reason that I'm losing weight. I want to glorify Him with my body. Also, I'm sick of being ruled by my appetites. My page title actually comes from a bible verse about that. :)
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I asked this earlier, but I believe it got lost in the shuffle:

    From an atheist's point of view, what is faith?

    Faith is blind belief in something without any proof.

    Then, we ALL have faith in something. No?

    For some things, we (meaning all of us) have to accept anecdotal evidence or the results of the process of elimination, because there is currently no solid "proof" to back up what we believe to be true.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    It plays a big part for me. I am a Christian and very far from a perfect one, but I know that He accepts me the way that I am.

    We have free will to believe or not to believe.

    I can't understand why so much bashing from non believers towards believers?

    I haven't seen any bashing of believers at all. Where did you see bashing?
    An athiest has to have faith that there is no greater power. Therefore, atheists have faith. Honestly, I believe it takes more faith to not believe in God than to believe in God.

    ?That doesn't make sense. It takes faith to believe in God and it takes no faith not to believe.

    As a Christian I think it takes a huge amount of faith to believe there is no God. If you are wrong, you won't know until it's too late but if I am wrong, it won't matter, I'll just die and that will be the end of that.

    Someone posted that they have evidence that there is no God but where is the Christian's evidence. I have all the evidence I need in this earth that revolves on an "invisible" axis every day and I have further evidence in the bible, which was witness by thousands and thousands of people. But I would love to know where the evidence is that there is no God.

    So it is Pascal's Wager. You believe because not believing is too risky. Science has shown how this invisible axis stuff works, too.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    :yawn: the good ol Atheist vs Christian again? C'mon. :huh:
  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    Just to clear this up, self-responsibilty and Christian Faith are not opposites. I think faith can help you become more "self responsible".
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    The only way my faith plays a role is that I don't eat beef and don't eat non-vegetarian food on festival days. Culture plays a huge role though. I cannot eat food prepared in non-Indian style for more than 4 days at a time. Also, I cannot eat just vegetables or just soup or just meat. I have to have either rice or rotis (unleavened flat bread) with it. I also eat different foods during different times of the year...
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    An athiest has to have faith that there is no greater power. Therefore, atheists have faith. Honestly, I believe it takes more faith to not believe in God than to believe in God.

    I believe you are misunderstanding what an atheist is :flowerforyou:

    Your answer makes me wonder, and perhaps you can help us to understand you better.

    From an atheist's point of view, what is "faith"?

    I believe a few people have now answered your question. Just wanted to say
    PS: I'm not an atheist, though I respect people's choice to be one.. I also don't believe in one all powerfull god, and yet I respect people's choice to believe so - in both cases as long as they don't try to force their opinions down my throat.. never met an atheist that tried to recruit me, met plenty of deity believers who did try.

    And I have allot of respect to those who have posted here who do believe in a god but do not put the blame on it for making them fat but instead own up to their responsibility :flowerforyou:
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