What role does faith play?



  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    None...if the big guy played any role; then it is his fault that he made me flawed and fat.

    I take a full responsibility for my actions. My weight gain and weigh loss. I hate blaming others or hiding behind excuses. It is all me, baby!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    faith, none. my money has a big role in it though... gym membership, trainers, whey protein, pre workout supplements, healthy food is expensive. $$$$$
  • johnstegeman
    johnstegeman Posts: 37 Member
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    But here's another view.

    If one purports to be a Christian, there should be no aspect of life untouched by the faith. It's all encompassing.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    The atheists and others are right in saying prayer won't stop from you eating too much and it won't help you get out and exercise, you have to do those things. But God can give you strength to get through it.

    Believe in yourself, that's good.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    Absolutely zero.
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    I'm not very religious.. I'd consider myself agnostic/ Buddhist but I was in NA and AA in the past and I try to apply the 12 steps and A day at a time model to my weight loss..
  • My life is centered around my relationship with God. One of my motivators is I want to see the body God had planned for me before I let sin (such as stress and worry) change my body. I want to honor God with my body. I also need His help to not quit and to not get discouraged when I mess up.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    Never thought about it in those terms. My faith is an integral part of my life. Nothing really exists apart from it.

  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    In some higher being, none. Not one bit. In myself, a ton. I have TOTAL faith in my own ability to get to my goals.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm Christian but I can't say that my faith in God played a role in my weight gain or that it is now playing a role in my weightloss.

    However, the LACK of faith in myself, is hindering me. *shrugs* I've been trying to work on it.
  • huizenm
    huizenm Posts: 74 Member
    Faith plays the #1 role in everything. Or nothing matters.

    ^ ^^^^THIS
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    My faith has to play a major role in all that I do. By no means is it anywhere near where it should be. I know that I can not win this weight loss battle by myself. And I find myself praying to God for energy to get through my Turbo Fire workouts. To some it may seem silly but it's reality for me.

    ^^^With her on this :) From someone who survived cancer and open heart surgery which required two life flights, my Faith is a very important part of my life.
  • mindysreadyforchange
    mindysreadyforchange Posts: 103 Member
    Eating right and working hard are elements of temperance [self-control]. These things tie directly to the faith (II Peter 1:3-11). We're supposed to take good care of our bodies (I Corinthians 6:20). At the same time, you cannot fitness to become an idol of sorts. There is a balance. Bodily exercise profits little (I timothy 4:8). Therefore, the Scriptures enable you to have the wisdom to balance body and spirit.

    -Brian (www.wordsoftruth.net)

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member
    Eating right and working hard are elements of temperance [self-control]. These things tie directly to the faith (II Peter 1:3-11). We're supposed to take good care of our bodies (I Corinthians 6:20). At the same time, you cannot fitness to become an idol of sorts. There is a balance. Bodily exercise profits little (I timothy 4:8). Therefore, the Scriptures enable you to have the wisdom to balance body and spirit.

    -Brian (www.wordsoftruth.net)

    I found this interesting...We're supposed to take good care of our bodies (I Corinthians 6:20). Not to be mean but does it mean when people abuse their bodies it is against the bible, it is against God's will --- Now is that a sin?? ? Wow, I never thought of that. Interesting indeed!
  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.

    Just wondering.......if we are made in his image.......why aren't we all invisible?

    Also.....how do you know what kind of person god wants you to be? Do you get a phone call every day with your instructions?
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 93 Member
    My faith in God can not be separated from any part of my life & that includes my quest to be thinner & healthier! Without God I am nothing and He has also given me some faith that I can do this big thing in little steps!
    Not sure just how folk cope without that?!?!?

    Cope without that??? You make it seem like I'm deprived of something because I don't believe in your god. I don't use religion as a crutch to help me get thru everything. Whatever problems I have are mine to deal with and if I need help getting thru I have my husband and my family to walk beside me, not some invisible being that may or may not be listening to me. It's very narrowminded to believe that people are suffering because they don't have your belief structure. I do pretty good without it and I will continue to thrive without it.
    And to answer the OP's question, I have faith in my ability to succeed. Faith in religion? I don't believe in religion. However, if it helps you reach your goal, more power to you but I don't appreciate when people make it seem like it's the only way.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    While running on the treadmill almost 2 years ago and huffing and puffing like I was gonna die, I would say "praise God, praise Jesus" under my breath....it kept me going!!!

    I always pray that I won't go overboard with my eating habits!

    Too bad this thread is starting such an argument. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion on faith, after all God gives us that free will....and leave it at that. Why fight in such length online?
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    To the OP, I notice a lot of comments from atheists, which is fine as you asked for opinions on this topic, and they are giving it.

    But here's another view.

    If one purports to be a Christian, there should be no aspect of life untouched by the faith. It's all encompassing.

    For me, I know I've not treated this body, made in His image, that He gave me with proper respect, and that is among my motivating factors.

    The atheists and others are right in saying prayer won't stop from you eating too much and it won't help you get out and exercise, you have to do those things. But God can give you strength to get through it.

    Believe in yourself, that's good.

    Believe that you can be the person God wants you to be, and that's even better.

    Well said. :)
  • tnlabaw
    tnlabaw Posts: 7
    If by Faith you mean "religious beliefs"; the answer is a big "absolutely no part".

    I am NOT an atheist or an agnostic. I do have religious beliefs but God does not control every aspect of my life. If He did; all I would have to do is pray and I would be fit. There would be no need for me to count calories and exercise.

    I would encourage you to understand who God is through His word :) Prayer plays a huge role, but the bible clearly states many times that we have been given free will...therefore, we are told that there is also a definitive need for self-responsibility to follow through with the support God has given us.
  • kikokateyy
    kikokateyy Posts: 136 Member
    I have faith in myself to do this.
    I personally think, everyone has faith they can do what they put their mind to. Doesn't matter what you believe in, you have faith in something.
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    It plays a big part for me. I am a Christian and very far from a perfect one, but I know that He accepts me the way that I am.

    We have free will to believe or not to believe.

    I can't understand why so much bashing from non believers towards believers?

    I haven't seen any bashing of believers at all. Where did you see bashing?
    An athiest has to have faith that there is no greater power. Therefore, atheists have faith. Honestly, I believe it takes more faith to not believe in God than to believe in God.

    ?That doesn't make sense. It takes faith to believe in God and it takes no faith not to believe.
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