FitOldMomma Member


  • Name: Shelley Starting weight: 296.5 pounds Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 49 days Maintenance range: 149-154 1/2/17 150.6 1/9/17 151 1/16/17 151.9 1/23/17 151.2 1/30/17 151.4 Success/Struggle for the week: My struggle this last week was my nearly constant cravings for…
  • Oh boy...I know what you mean! My loss has been pretty gradual, taking me nearly 3 yrs. But it's the last 40 pounds that really have everyone noticing my changed body. I'm finally starting to FEEL thinner too. But in my mind's eye..I still see myself as nearly 300 pounds. When clothes shopping it's still weird to see these…
  • Had to return a coat for a smaller size because it was simply too big! Also, wearing a shirt TUCKED in with a belt and I look good! Yup...I said that. I look good.
  • I once actually took the time to figure out how often and how much money we spent each month from dining out. This included all fast food and casual places. I was shocked at the money we were spending. Now, eating out is a special occasion and cooking at home is quicker, healthier, and way less costly. Buy in bulk and on…
  • Secular humanist here. Most of my friends are Christians, with a few atheists and agnostics. Rarely will I delve into religion, nor politics unless I'm with like-minded folks. Different strokes for different folks. I'm a very tolerant person, and as long as someone isn't pushing their agenda on me or others- that's cool.
  • Name: Shelley Starting weight: 296.5 pounds Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 42 days Maintenance range: 149-154 1/2/17 150.6 1/9/17 151 1/16/17 151.9 1/23/17 151.2 Success/Struggle for the week: saw the scale number 149.5 on Thursday, which meant I was getting a handle…
  • You take it one day at a time...for the rest of your life. :) Seriously, it's all about making permanent changes that you know you'll be content with. I made specific goals, not always about the scale. Certain fitness goals spurred me on when the weight loss slowed down. Learning what I am truly capable of doing has been…
  • I'm about half my original weight. Down 147 pounds in 1044 days. Haven't done any 'before and after' pic yet. Hit my goal weight in early December. LOVE being fit and healthy! I log every bite I eat and strive to be active every day- for the rest of my life.
  • 1200 is pretty low, even more so if you're not eating back any exercise calories burned. Perhaps set your weekly weight loss goal a bit less pound per week would allot you 350 more calories per day. Being constantly hungry is NOT a great way to lose weight.
  • Looks like nearly everyone is doing well this month with their maintenance goals. Yay for us!
  • If my insurer would pay for skin removal, I'd have it in a heartbeat. My weight loss of nearly 150 pounds has been a long process, and loose skin appeared very gradual. But, now- it's like everyday it seems to get even MORE loose! Especially on my inner thighs and my face. :( Heck, I even have loose skin on my hands.…
  • Congratulations! It's indeed a fabulous feeling. Great job!
  • First of all...I'm so sorry you're feeling hopeless. That's an awful emotion to live with. There's a lot of good advise given in this thread and I hope you can find some answers that will help you. For myself, I started right where you did. But, I also found some determination to once and for all deal with my weight issue.…
  • Name: Shelley Starting weight: 296.5 pounds Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 35 days Maintenance range: 149-154 1/2/17 150.6 1/9/17 151 1/16/17 151.9 Yup, it trended up! However, I know it's temporary. Thursday I had my kids' over for soup night. Sodium PACKED plus a…
  • When I started MFP I could have ridiculous weight fluctuations. Sure it would get depressing if no losses showed up after diligent logging...but if you stay the course they WILL. Just keep logging every thing and you'll see results. For myself, the culprit is nearly always excess sodium + lots of simple carbs. Still…
  • I finally bought some. Chocolate and S'mores flavors. At $6.99 per pint it's quite a splurge. I like the high protein count. My plan is to use it as a special treat one night per week.
  • Yes, maintenance is just continuing your better habits, for life. I knew this before I started and asked myself if I was ready for permanent change. The answer is YES! Mindset is everything! A few months ago my oldest sister asked me "when can you start eating NORMAL again?" My reply was that THIS is my normal and always…
  • Name: Shelley Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 28 days Maintenance range: 149-154 [/quote] 1/2/17 150.6 # 1/9/17 151 # Dang, I'm actually surprised my weight wasn't higher this morning. My struggle this last week has been middle of the night hunger (and eating!) and less…
  • Plateaus are so frustrating! But, there's always a way to break through if you give it time and consistently eat the proper balance of calories. If you've not lost any weight though for 6 months, you simply are taking in too many calories to have a deficit needed for loss. For myself, it meant cutting down on processed…
  • Congratulations! I know how you feel. Being fit and healthy is it's own reward. Living an active life is so much fun. Keep it up, and indeed 2017 will be an awesome year for you. Well done!
  • [quote Name: Shelley Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 21 days Maintenance range: 149-154 [/quote] 1/2/17 150.6 # Sleep is my struggle this last week. When I wake several times per night it seems to jump-start my appetite the next day for carbs. Really! And, when I don't…
  • My advise is to understand this has to be a LIFETIME commitment. Practicing new healthy habits until they become ingrained in your daily life. #1 for me is tracking my food. At first it seemed sooo time consuming, but now I can't imagine not doing it! It takes me no longer than 10 minutes total to log my food and…
  • My pal just bought one for her daughter and it's awesome! She bought the Instant Pot Duo-6 quart style. She put in 4 big frozen chicken breasts, some veggies, a can of pineapple, and .50 cup of bottled teriyaki sauce. In about 32 minutes dinner was done and it was delicious! The chicken was perfectly cooked, moist and…
  • In maintenance now for 3 weeks. Feel free to add me. I'm counting on the MFP community to help me with this new phase. :)
  • Logging every bite has become such a habit, I plan on continuing to do so. Plus, I think for me, it would be too easy to lapse back into ''s just one bite' kind of thinking.
  • I'm all in! This is exactly the type of group I've been seeking to find. Name: Shelley Total weight lost: 147 pounds Time it took to lose: 999 days How long in maintenance: 21 days Maintenance range: 149-154 I know the statistics for long term weight loss. I'm determined to be a success. I know this will entail constant…
  • I'm finding loose skin in places I never imagined I would, lol! But let me tell you- Feeling thin and fit still trumps the loose skin. The only place it really does bother me is my face. I never gave much thought to how weight loss would affect facial skin- it does. I've been very active during my long weight loss so…
  • I'm not 'keto' but I do keep my carbs in check. I strive to stay around 100 net grams per day. I didn't plan on this way of eating, it came natural when I decided to eliminate highly processed foods and sugar. I realized that I could eat more volume of fresh veggies, more healthy fats, and lots of good protein from fish…
  • Congratulations. Sounds like you found what works best for you, that's a plus.