Cjklast1 Member


  • I had high numbers on a blood test, and my doctor said it was either liver problems or a fatty liver, fatty liver being better, but on a subsequent test, the numbers were fine and nothing to worry about.
  • I can relate to stress eating. I lost 60 lbs, 265 to 205, gained 25 lbs to 230, lost 20 lbs to 210, gained 35 lbs to 245, and recently lost 10 lbs to 235. I go on The biggest loser program at my health club where they make you trak your eating, signin to a work out three times a week, and weighin once a week. The tracking…
  • :smile: Forget it, forgive yourself and move on like nothing happened, and resove to stick to your plan> Way to go, girl.
  • The key is substitution. Tried Diet green tea or flavored water, both have zero calories and count toward the eight glasses of water we should be drinking each day.:smile: :wink: