welshgurl Member


  • Too funny. It reminded me of my grandfather who thought that we were going through the bottle of vitamins too quickly (I had acquired a taste for them). He bought a bottle of 100 vitamins, counted them before we could get to them and thank goodness there were only 92 vitamins in the bottle. (I was never found out!) He…
  • That is so wonderful! What a great feeling and accomplishment!:bigsmile:
  • Let us know the results, although it may take more than one visit to get a diagnosis...just be prepared for that! I know I wanted an answer right away and was frustrated that it took so long.:wink:
  • I have very similar problems, and although I am not a doctor, perhaps it would be wise to visit one. My symptoms only got worse...was diagnosed with osteitis pubis, which more and more women seem to be getting due to childbirth or other injuries. I am not trying to scare you, but google it and see if those symptoms pertain…
  • That is funny. But I am sorry that it is a true story. Someone with your sense of humor should not have any troubles with that issue!