

  • The best bread for sandwiches that I have found (that you can buy premade) is Udi's white bread. It is frozen but thaws nicely in a toaster in just a few seconds and is close to what I remember "regular" bread being like. It comes in cute little slices, but well worth it.
  • OK, pardon the typos! BTW, I am on Push circut.
  • I too amd a HUGE fax of CLX. I have attempted to complete the program two other times, but some medical issues go in the way. Now I am good and my one and only goal is to complete the program. No weight loss goals, no measurement goals, I just want to finish. I am eating well, lots of protien and not a lot of carbs. I…
  • I have attempted P90X a few times, but now I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme. I run into the same problem still. Honestly, I just try to eat high protien, lean foods, and healthy carbs. Keep it simple. I try to stay around 1600-1800 calories. It was really hard for me to intake enough on P90X, but if you don't you will bonk.…
  • 1) ChaLEAN Extreme (involves lifting weights, internals, and abds) 2) Cardio (ie. running/walking stairs, speed walking, cycling) 3) Yoga and X-Stretch (P90X) Just don't forget, being fit has EVERYTHING to do with what you eat. Good Luck!
  • I like Sara Ivanhoe's DVD's. They are very basic. Great for intro to yoga! =)
  • First thought-calories burned are really just estimates. Here is my second thought-You may be anaerobic on your run and aerobic on your walks. Both beneficial, but to my knowledge, aerobic is better for weight loss and anaerobic is good for building endurance either muscular or cardiovascular. When I ride my bike to and…
  • Quinoa (keen-wah) as copied and pasted from "Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain; an average of 16.2 percent, compared with 7.5 percent for rice, 9.9 percent for millet, and 14 percent for wheat. Some varieties of quinoa are more than 20 percent protein. Quinoa's protein is of an unusually high…
  • I too am gluten free (celiac disease)! I am almost always over on protien. This is good for building muscle as long as it is low fat, ie. chicken, fish, egg whites. It actually helps to keep your blood sugars even throughout the day. (for me anyway) Sugar, well that is another thing. Are your referring to the carbs or…
  • You should check out ChaLEAN Extreme. The whole program is based on lifting heavy weights. I am in the second phase of the program and have lost seven pounds and a 7% of my body fat. No joke! I checked it twice! It is a beachbody product, kinda spendy, but WELL WORTH IT!! :smile:
  • Mine are gone too. :angry: