

  • Im BAAAAACk! Sorry went awol for a few weeks! The WATP workouts were really i was getting physio on my foot because my excercise plan was killing me...and was told to take it easy! Seems i have scar tissue on my ankle which is why it so weak...and to be honest then i just got lazy :( Im back from vacation now…
  • I dont want to use any more drugs or prescriptions or anything...after years of fertility and pcos related drugs i feel like I glow in the dark already! Im really good with tweezers though.... :grumble: In the car, in the dark, i keep them under my pillow, in my purse and sometimes ive been known to hide a pair in my hand…
  • I spent over 6 months on bedrest due to a high risk pregnancy, so keeping my muscles toned was a challenge. I'm still feeling the effects of it even though my baby is almost 5, but i was encouraged by my doctor to at least keep my muscles warmed up. If you google bedrest excercises you may come up with some ideas...even…
  • oops posted on the wrong week before, so i'll do it again here! :blushing: i was having some technical problems with dvd players etc. but i dusted off my dvds and did the miracle mile yesterday and today attempted the three mile but only made two...then i thought i was going to die. So i stopped! :tongue: Im determined to…
  • Thats never something i do so i didnt think of that...but it worked! Did the Miracle Mile yesterday, and today i attempted the three mile but only got to 2miles... steps! :drinker:
  • Im not doing so well on this challenge so far...due to severe technical problems :sad: Between myself my husband AND my 11 year old i think the dvd player is fried. :angry: Other then running out of shakin buildings yesterday during a 5.1 magnitude earthquake i havent gotten too far! My only recourse is to buy another dvd…
  • OMG! :laugh: That is SOOOOO true! That is my NEW mantra and i'm pasting that on my fridge...and my desk at work...maybe even my screensaver! Hope you don't mind! :tongue:
  • I am no longer in college but i still cook on a college budget! :tongue: As a lazy gourmet i have been really struggling to cook more and shop less. I am...or WAS...the drive thru i'm trying hard to cook more from scratch. The best money i spent was on my magic bullet (see the infomercial and no i dont work for…
  • Yesterday i tried those VitaTop muffins (100 calories / 1.5g fat / 7g fibre and 4 g protein) Holy Crap! I couldnt eat anything the rest of the day...i had to force myself to eat a little at supper time...but that little nugget of a muffin top was a tummy bomb! If you're a weight watcher its only 1 point! :love: And it was…
  • I have been keeping fruit platters in the fridge, grab a few peices with cottage cheese and eating cruncy rice crackers or drizzling with yogurt or fat free chocolate sauce. or i grab an apple or peach, with a lite baby bel cheese ( i think its also called laughing cow in the States??? i could be wrong) and a large cup of…
  • I'm also a SoulCyster! My whole darn life story is over there...i should just copy and paste! :tongue:
  • Yikes...i thought i lost this thread for good i couldnt find it! Still navigating my way around here...too much info to take in! :wink: I havent done my tape today but logged over 14000 steps on my pedi...and tomorrow i will be wandering around a water slide park for most of the day! That should burn a few pounds i hope! I…
  • Hi Everyone, can i join in too! I also have pcos...dx by a doctor who was fortunate enough to have read an article in some magazine...thats how obscure pcos was at the time in the medical field. I feel like a dinosaur! I also have Insulin Resistance, and went through years and years and YEARS of fertility treatments to…
  • Better late then never?? Hi everyone...i just joined FP about i dunno 17 minutes ago??!! Maybe 20? :wink: I am a big Leslie Sansone fan for many years and although i will have to re-read the instructions on my dvd player i would love to join you all if i could! I just figure i might as well jump in with both running…