SWaT Team Challenge - WEEK 2. --21ST July



    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    OK, so I did 3 miles with the LS DVD and 2 half+ miles with sugarplum (he too must WATP)= 4 miles for the day.
    At this rate I may have to up my miles (again):tongue:
    I'm in the process of moving , working full time (and one part time), and going to school part time .
    If I can do it...:flowerforyou:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Im still here and walking! I will update my miles tonight. Busy day today.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm still here,just busy thhis week but will get some walking in today.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    So, we are at the Birthing Center now and waiting for the anesthesiologist to do an epidural.

    I may do some walking--either around the hospital or with a video (they are on my netbook so I have them with me!). I knoww this is going to take some time yet!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Finished 6 more kilometres today! :blushing:

  • wilkypoo
    wilkypoo Posts: 52
    Bump... suffering from fibromyalgia and neuropathy I thought I needed to start exercising slowly. So I picked up this WALK AWAY POUNDS 1 / 2. I'm fixing to do it for the first time now. Wish me luck! :happy:
  • wilkypoo
    wilkypoo Posts: 52
    Yay, I did it!! Now I'm wondering if anyone knows how to log it in as my exercise? I did the 1st Easy Walk.
  • rjm8185
    rjm8185 Posts: 81 Member
    Yay, I did it!! Now I'm wondering if anyone knows how to log it in as my exercise? I did the 1st Easy Walk.

    Thats fantastic, well done!!

    Its great to see there's still lots of us walking and achieving of goals, thats brilliant

    Did 2 miles today, 1 to a DVD and one outside with the dogs.
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Just completed my 3 miles for the day. Can't believe I've walked 30 miles already!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Yay, I did it!! Now I'm wondering if anyone knows how to log it in as my exercise? I did the 1st Easy Walk.

    I always log it as Walking at a brisk pace of 4.0 miles per hour. Most of her workouts are 15 minute miles and some of them even faster. I've noticed some of the others have actually figured out how to set up their own exercises with the WATP titles but I haven't tried that yet. Hope that helps.

    I just did the 4 mile Punch up Your Walk :smile:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    bumpin to find in a bit:tongue:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    ok, so I was a slacker today, only 3 miles:ohwell: oh poop!
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    oops posted on the wrong week before, so i'll do it again here! :blushing:

    i was having some technical problems with dvd players etc. but i dusted off my dvds and did the miracle mile yesterday and today attempted the three mile but only made two...then i thought i was going to die. So i stopped! :tongue: Im determined to finish the three mile tomorrow...
    ...so i guess i am at about 3 miles all together so far...babysteps! :drinker:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Still walking up a storm here, at least 5 miles and some days more. Does anyone know how to count it when you do the 5 mile walk with the hand weights and belts? Is that considered light weights or do you count it at all?

    I am happy to see I can do the entire 5 mile easily now without my knee giving out. Yippy, progress.
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    This week has been alittle more challenging for me. Old foot pain starting up again so its slowing me down. I want to do more walking but I pay the price if I do and its frustrating. :cry:

    Everyone is doing so great! Keep it up Guys!!!!

    Still having Ticker update problems. We did a virus scan, and also deleted history. Now I just tried updating my ticker and it didn't work again!!!!!!!:explode:
  • Still walking up a storm here, at least 5 miles and some days more. Does anyone know how to count it when you do the 5 mile walk with the hand weights and belts? Is that considered light weights or do you count it at all?

    I am happy to see I can do the entire 5 mile easily now without my knee giving out. Yippy, progress.

    You are doing awesome! I need to kick it up a few noches or I won't make it to my goal! Sorry I don't know how to log it...maybe you could log your walking then go add 10 min or however long of light weight lifting...not sure though. I normally don't log my weights cuz I have heard so many people saying that the site is a little off when it comes to cals anyways. I really want a polar watch!!!!! KEEP IT UP GIRL!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    oops posted on the wrong week before, so i'll do it again here! :blushing:

    i was having some technical problems with dvd players etc. but i dusted off my dvds and did the miracle mile yesterday and today attempted the three mile but only made two...then i thought i was going to die. So i stopped! :tongue: Im determined to finish the three mile tomorrow...
    ...so i guess i am at about 3 miles all together so far...babysteps! :drinker:

    Do you like the Miracle mile workout? I would love to find one on DVD but it's $45.00 on half.com :noway:
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I just got walking 1 mile.I also join leslie walking club now i can do some of the walking off the site.
  • Hey guys I was out of town for work for a week. I dodnt get in as much as I would like in the gym but I have updated my ticker. More to come =)
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Just completed 3 miles. Have to admit I had to make myself do it tonight but feel much better since I did. I'm having trouble getting my ticker to update too. Not sure if it will update this time, but have completed 33 miles. Keep up the good work everyone!
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