Belly's the devil

MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
At the age of almost 28 (holding on to 27 for one more month lol) I have birthed two beautiful babies and bounced right back every time. My daughter will be 2 in a month and I am sad to say I am back to fighting the belly fat. My mom says its hereditary and there is nothing I can do about it BUT I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to work out like I do and watch my calories only to have my family's "curse" hit me! :noway:

Does anybody have any advice on foods to eat and to stay away from to help in my battle of the belly fat?


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I have read many places that the best thing to get rid of belly fat is to eat as cleanly as possible. Maybe check out some of Tosco Reno's books about eating cleanly. Oxygen Magazine is also about eating cleanly.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I think the whole belly fat fad is crap. You're going to lose the belly fat just like you would any other fat.
    Just eat healthy and exercise and it will come off.
    No magic food, or pill. Just hard work.
    I'm fighting a little pit in the belly too but I can see results of the 30 Day Shred.
    Just keep up the hard work and before you know it, it will be bye bye belly!
  • sprice1218
    sprice1218 Posts: 7 Member
    Pilates is supposed to help the belly fat once you get started. Cut out chocolate, salt, and soft drinks. Hard I know, but it does make a difference!

    Hit the gym and try new things. What have you got to lose besides that belly fat?!? :happy:
  • I read that interval cardio training burns belly fat because it boosts your metabolic rate and muscle mass. Instead of only running or only walking for 30 minutes try alternating every 3-5 minutes or so. It’s harder for your body to recover after each interval so it reacts by raising your metabolic rate so more sugars, carbs and finally fats get consumed. It’s the same logic as avoiding the dreaded "plateau"; keep your body guessing and it won't get complacent.
  • odatcindy
    odatcindy Posts: 641
    I think it is a mixture of both - exercise and eating. I'm doing the 200 push-ups challenge and have noticed a significant decrease in my belly fat area (I can't use kids as an excuse because mine are 24 and 26). I've also stopped eating processed foods, those with lots of preservatives because of my allergy to gluten, corn, potatoes and a number of other things. I eat primarily fresh vegetables, fresh fruits and fresh meats. Using MFP to monitor your sodium intake is also beneficial, since salt holds onto the water and makes your stomach area look bloated. Staying away from the preservatives will also help your digestive tract get rid of those fats, and this includes limiting your unhealthy fats. You are not cursed and you can do this!
  • kwannabee
    kwannabee Posts: 15
    *Quit snivelling!*
    *You wont eat it if you don't buy it!*

    OMG! :laugh: That is SOOOOO true! That is my NEW mantra and i'm pasting that on my fridge...and my desk at work...maybe even my screensaver! Hope you don't mind! :tongue:
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    *Quit snivelling!*
    *You wont eat it if you don't buy it!*

    OMG! :laugh: That is SOOOOO true! That is my NEW mantra and i'm pasting that on my fridge...and my desk at work...maybe even my screensaver! Hope you don't mind! :tongue:

    Ha - have at it! :drinker:
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    I dont know why.. but when I eat a lot of carbs and processed food my belly seems to turn 6 months pregnant looking over night! Perhaps you are the same way... limit your intake of these things and drinks lots of water.. hope this helps
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