

  • Congrats!!! I have two children and I know how hard it is not to munch off their plate, lol. Keep up the good work:)
  • I'm having that problem today, way over in my calories and ate everything that was bad for me, just one of those busy, stressful days. I keep telling myself tomorrow is another day and I will do better, but deep inside I'm very disappointed in myself and yes its that TOM for me also, I'm hoping that's way I didn't lose any…
  • In 2007 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease which my immune systems attacks my thyroid gland which causing me to have hypothyroidism. I take a single pill (synthroid) every morning and feel a lot better. I was also having a lot of hair loss and weight gain, was very fatigue, I'm not a big "pill" person either, but if…
  • Welcome and good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as your friend, the more diet buddies the better:)
  • The great thing about this site is that everyone is on here for the same reason and that is to lose weight. Welcome and good luck on your journey, feel free to add me as your friend, its great to have diet buddyies:)
  • Congratulations!!!! When I read post like this it makes me feel positive I can do it. Thank you for posting:)