I wonder if I threw everything off balance...

So last month, I was probably the most stressed I've ever been, drank way too much, ate terrible foods (really consumed a ton of cheese and soy products to name a few) and didn't exercise as much as I should have.

I usually get pms symptoms, but this month leading up to this TOM has been worse than before.



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Just get back on track with your next meal. Can't change the past, just move forward. A good quote: "fall down 7 times get up 8 and you will be successful."
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I would put myself on a limb and contribute it to the soy products.

    Soy is bad for the hormones. I can send you some information regarding this. Soy also messes up Thyroid function.

    Soy is estrogen based, so it is most likely messing with your hormone levels.
  • CarolHudson11
    I'm struggling with this today, as well. You're going to do this!

    And I understand completely with this TOM: This month is awful! I haven't lost an ounce all week, my stomach is bloated and painful, and I want to eat a whole jar of peanut butter. Somehow, I've managed to stick to cheerios for breakfast and baked chicken for dinner. LOL
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I would put myself on a limb and contribute it to the soy products.

    Soy is bad for the hormones. I can send you some information regarding this. Soy also messes up Thyroid function.

    Soy is estrogen based, so it is most likely messing with your hormone levels.

    I read a bit about this. It would make sense, because I managed to finish off an entire container of soy milk, order soy in specialty drinks, and eat tofu. I've never had this much soy in that short of time.

    I'd like to read the information you have!
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    I was out of town today, and forced to eat two meals at restaurants. I had such a hard time - there just wasn't anything that wasn't high calorie. Luckily when I came home, I was able to fix a low calorie dinner and get back on track. I was so frustrated because I have worked so hard this week and I felt like i was throwing it all away on this one day! Plus - I didn't get in any exercise today either!

    Tomorrow is a new day, and I plan to get back on track with good food choices and Zumba!
  • theatr3geek
    The only thing you can do is try to get back on track and hope for the best! I think you can do it, I believe in you :D
    Feel free to add me.
  • entwistle1979
    I'm having that problem today, way over in my calories and ate everything that was bad for me, just one of those busy, stressful days. I keep telling myself tomorrow is another day and I will do better, but deep inside I'm very disappointed in myself and yes its that TOM for me also, I'm hoping that's way I didn't lose any weight this week.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm making a serious effort to eat much better, take multivitamins, and drink my water. Hopefully that will take care of the symptoms for next month!