phillips9366 Member


  • Since last thanksgiving I've been doing P90x and have lost about 30 lbs. I wasn't exactly fat, (carried it well), but sure wasn't light either. I don't necessarily sweat alot by the standard of people who are real soakers, but man did I sweat during my workouts. As in dry shirt to totally soaked, wet shirt at the end. Now,…
  • I feed the egg yolks to my dog.
  • 3 egg white Fritata (140 calories) I sautee veggies in a small amount (.2 tsp) of olive oil (peppers, onions, garlic, 2 cups of spinach, mushrooms, tomato, etc.). Set them aside and cook the egg whites in another small amount of olive oil. Then I throw the veggies ontop of the egg whites and devour. Killer breakfast,…
  • I think that this is a complete misconception that eating junk is cheap. Junk food is readily available, and "easy", but it really isn't cheap by any means. I really don't buy much junk food, so I don't know how it would really affect my budget, but when I look at it in the stores, I'm astounded by the prices. I can't…
  • It's a darned healthy obsession. I am totally obsessed, and being so fits precisely with my plan. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I don't think anything. I just hum the theme to Rocky!
  • I think, man, that person's got a weight problem and good for them, they're trying to address it. But, being a physics minded guy with a few achey joints in my body, I also think about how unfortunate it is that they are subjecting thier joints to such extreme impact force - when they could instead be doing a bunch of…
  • Why would you post something so oddly unrelated to myfitnesspal on myfitnesspal?
  • I check my heartrate during typical portions of the workout to get an average heartrate. Then I use this link to estimate my calorie burn for each workout. I figure it's close enought to accurate for myfitnesspal entries…
    in P90X Comment by phillips9366 March 2012
  • You seem to be overlooking the obvious, which is the calories burned through exercise. Calorie counting doesn't lie, so use your heart rate to estimate your calories burned. Let myfitnesspal do the math and you will lose weight. It's really that simple. I like this site for estimating calories burned - very accurate:…
  • Seriously? Why is this post on myfitnesspal?
  • I find heart rate monitors a way to take something simple (excercise) and make it complicated, gear intensive, and more expensive than it needs to be. So, if you're like me and are not a total perfectionist on your counting, try using this site:…
  • A cold beer, but I'm a guy! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Since you're not on a real rigid training program, give your body a rest for a day or two, hydrate up, and then go run 13 with no pressure. Pick a cool and inspiring route, stick some water bottles out there, or have someone support you so you have water along the way. Consider carrying a gel or two. Take it easy and have…
  • Sounds like you might be introducing to running a bit too fast for your bod. The couch is a pretty rough starting point. If your weight is up, that can beat your shins/calves up pretty good too, but too much of anything probably ain't great. My recommendation is to mix it up a bit until you truly become a "runner", which…
  • You think peanut btter is good. Try almond butter. I bet that any way you like peanut butter, you'll love almond butter. My lunch is often 2 pieces of Oroweat - Health Full Nutty Grain Bread, 1 TBS almond butter, and 1 TBS all fruit jelly (295 cals, but who's counting?:laugh:). Created by - Nutrition Facts…
  • Order the book "Fix it and forget it lightly". It's real cheap on and it will keep you busy for a long time with your crockpot. Many, many great recipes. What we do is enter the ingredients on fitnesspal and then estimate how many servings in the recipe. Then you have a good estimate of the calories you consume…
  • I love shrimp, boiled with or without coctail sauce, or sauteed in a littel olive oil and garlic. Low calorie, tastey and healthy.
  • I check my heartrate during typical portions of the workout to get an average heartrate. Then I use this link to estimate my calorie burn for each workout. I figure it's close enought to accurate for myfitnesspal entries and since the number of calories burned sort of amazes me I tend to round the minutes down (ie., don't…