

  • I accepted your add request @gillythyme and @roxygirl feel free to add me. I'm 24 and have had an ED for ages. We can all support and help each other when we need someone that understands. :)
  • I'll add you! :) I have anorexia with bulimic tendencies so we are almost polar!
  • I've also seen girls who have been obsessed with the "pro-ana movement" to the point of actually developing an ED and regretting how lightly they treated their behaviors when they first found these sites.
  • I think that allot of these young girls are just attention seeking,and others are trying to find help and someone to care. I've posted pictures online,but the weren't "lets get skinny" or "see how thin I am" they were posted so that the people who I have learned to trust and who care about me can see how I'm actually doing…
  • I will always support a Person with a eating disorder who is trying to recover. I'm happy whenever someone makes it even a little way out of this hell. Any time you need encouragement feel free to contact me!
  • I'm new too! I am anorexic with bulimic tendencies I would love to be your friend! Where are you from? And what is your native language?