

  • Have been working out and lifting regularly and have not seen the results I was hoping for. I read his book, and now I am interested in giving it a try. I think what appeals to me is the possibility of results sooner, and the fact that the time commitment seems doable. You don't have to spend hours at the gym. Would love…
  • Thanks for the response. I got some yoga pants on clearance at walmart 2 years ago too and I have worn them almost everyday, and they are finally starting to die and fall apart. sad. It is crazy that when we find things so cheap, that we have to stock up on them. Thanks for the tips!
  • I know it is not always an option, but water aerobics are incredible! I have a bad knee that had screws put in it in high school, and I have some lower back problems. I am also over 330, and I did water aerobics even throughout an entire pregnancy. I never had problems with my knee, or any joints for that matter. It was…
  • I know that we are all here to lose weight, but sometimes I think it is just a piece of a larger puzzle. Even at my skinniest I was a size 16, but happy b/c I was healthy. I think that sometimes we have to stop thinking of it as a weight problem, and start thinking of it as trying to be kind to ourselves. Take the time to…
  • Congrats on the weight loss so far! I am 5'10 and 358.5. I am in a 26/28, and I have to ask, it is it as hard for you to find clothes as it is for me? It seems like everything costs an arm and a leg and so many places (even plus size) stop at a 24.
  • currently 5'11" and weighing in at 350....yikes! I wear a size 26, the problem there is that most of my clothes are still a size or two smaller. you know that fat kids have the most clothes b/c there are at least three different sizes in our closet at any given time. This is the heaviest I have ever been, and ever will be.…