i see ALOT of muscle loss, little fat loss and a crashed metabolism in the future of people who have tried this diet!
She is a definitely Sarabi the wife of a king of the jungle!
Hello, thought id throw in my 3 year journey in here as well :) The start of getting in shape... signed my gym membership the day i took this pic... then what you know... 1 day later had my appendix taken out.. was told not to lift anything over 10lbs for 8 weeks.. i was at the gym curling the empty bars and 5lb dumbells…
Lol ty :)
Lol ill take the cat!
False- i very very rearly use magazines, i like to be spantanous n make up my own meal ideas :) TNP-has to work this beatiful weekend just like i do :(
Friendly but someone you wouldnt want to piss off
False, watching indiana jones crystal skull right now haha TNP is beast mode!
Live at the gym lmao
Legs cant be to mean
8 is greaaat man!! 8 for u as well if the vette in pics is urs we'll bump u to 10 ;)
I just laughed out loud n my co worker looked at me like im retarded lmao Best fkin commercial ever!!!!!
Wow wow wooooow dude u dont skip like that! Rate me now!
Take the dog for a run!
No face so 5 points lol
No difference noticable in muscle gains either way works... except raw egg whites+milk+vanilla protein powder+vanilla extract+splenda+shake=high protein amount shake that tastes like vanilla cake icing!! Tastiest thing ever!! Downfa though... Ur farts will kill everyone including you in a 10 meter redious!
Overall weight loss... Cant spot reduce
Build muscle everyday all day! Beast mode!
Nice hair!!
False just woke up only had cup of water lol TNP is going to do whatever it takes to achieve hes/hers goals in fitness because they finally hit the point of no excuses and putting the body as the priority!
Go eat that bacon face
Quite often... Scale just throughs me off because i get upses with numbers vs watching my body to see if im building quality muscle instead of getting fat or losing fat instead of muscle and weight... Mirror and pictures is ur best measure of progress!
Humm hand money to an insecure, money hungry girl with mental issues to be naked in front of me?? No thnx... Ill go grab extra bucket of protein or pre workout and meet a nice girl at a gym...
Chicken Broccoli Tuna Oatmeal Isosmooth protein Tilapia Romaine lettuce Sweet potato Eggs Wholegrain bread
Very nice food presentation! Looks delish
Welcome to mfp!