

  • Well, my experience with P90X was successful with a 40-30-30 ratio of Protein-Fat-Carbs. Got lean, strong, and lost a bit of weight 2/3 of the way through my first cycle. I was 20 years out, from my last stringent exercise plan in college, when I started P90X. Had to get lean and mean for the big 4-0.... Unfortunately, I…
  • OK...I had to reply to this. By area, muscle weighs more than fat. That's why you can lose inches and gain weight. P90X has this effect on many people, especially in the first 45 days or so. Having gone thru the program twice, with the primary goals of getting lean and strengthening core, P90X classic will drastically…
  • I'll throw in my .02 cents.... For background, I started P90X 90 days prior to my big 4-0 bday. I completed two rounds of the Classic level 90 days, one right after the other. I started with a good knowledge of how to work out and what to do, but needed some motivation to do it. I also have back problems with a herniated…
  • We are here, but if anyone else is like me, we tend to be the silent minority....Actually, it reminds me of how it is at home. I feel your pain though, I too am the sole male in a house dominated by a wife and two young daughters. Just getting started again, after achieving my best physical shape in my life at 40, I then…
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