vventure23 Member


  • Yeah my routine was always changing, I'd do different things on different days (one day of heavy/low rep, one day of lighter/high rep, that kind of thing) and would completely change up what I was doing every 2-3 months. I still want to keep lifting, but I want to lose pounds (I know I don't physically or internally look…
  • Thanks! :) I just had a birthday, looooots of facebook wall posts to respond to ;)
  • Oh my gosh. My mom used to make something like this, and I was so sad I had to give it up, didn't even think about trying to make it healthy because I never thought it could be lol. I'm going soo to try this.... Thank you!! :)
  • Lol, not sure cuz I was drinking at a bar, but if it's called Kentucky Ale, then splurge and do it ;)
  • Oh jeez hahaha. I had bourbon for the first time about a month ago when I was in Kentucky for an interview... It was a fun night ;) Especially Kentucky Bourbon Ale!! You gotta try it... It's Kentucky Ale, which is damn good in it's own right, put into caskets that used to hold bourbon for like 2 years, some of the bourbon…
  • My house is Pittsburgh I don't really mind, I keep my shoes on for a while after I come home but eventually take them off, not much for slippers... But living in Seattle I noticed a lot of people take their shoes off right inside the door -always- and I kinda like that, when I move back out there next month I'll start…
  • Totally hear this! Sometimes to motivate myself I look at pictures of people I want to look like, but recently I've been able to motivate myself by remembering how good it feels to be on a fitness routine and to be strong and stick with it, as well as how annoyed with myself I get if I don't go. It's like, "How am I going…
  • Agreed! Learn from it, next time only pack one cookie, that way you can have a treat but not the temptation and the guilt of going overboard, or the tummy ache that comes from too much sweets
  • I have no idea what insanity is (other than a state of crazy), but the fact that you pulled that picture out is awesome :)
  • Did levels 1 and 2 one day, felt it the next day. Seems like a pretty decent workout, 'cept I kept making Russian jokes in my head about the instructor and toward the end of the 2nd level she said she's like Swedish or something. That's what I get for getting angry with people who make me work hard for my own damn good.…