phee Member


  • Best of luck to you then. :)
  • Hi all. I'm two days in on ketogenic. I'm pretty excited as I've had good success with it in the past. This time I'm introducing intermittent fasting which seems to be working very well. It's been a few years since I've had the motivation and drive to tackle this weight again but here I am...finally. I'd love to connect…
  • Congratulations! What a fantastic job. You must be so proud! Another super inspirational story :)
  • I wear mine all day every day. It has been a real eye opener for me to learn how active or inactive I have actually been. Apparently it is 90% accurate and clinically endorsed. I have been happy with it so far except for one thing. It counts activity while I am driving. I emailed the company and the only solution is to…
  • I am a hypocrit because I am fat but I'm attracted to a strong, muscular man with broad shoulders, but not too overdone. But of course personality is important. I don't like show-offs and over-confident types. I like my man quietly confident, and capable, and I love a sexy voice. No jockeys for me (lol). I really don't…
  • oh wow! I really love this thread. I am also 5ft 4" exactly and I am always wondering how tall someone is whenever I see their transformation. When they are my height, it just feels more inspirational. Like "if they can achieve that, then I can achieve it!" sort of thing. There are too many amazingly awesome…
  • I think his hypothesis proposes that any carbohydrates ingested throughout the day, immediately increase insulin which contributes to fat storage, rather than being used for the body's normal processes as is what happens in healthy weighted individuals. This is a faulty mechanism that comes about because of hormone…
  • Thanks Kirra. Your way of conceptualising the non-simplicity of calories in v calories out makes sense to me. My fitness monitor is supposed to be 90% accurate in regards to the daily calories I actually burn though. My fitness monitor and MFP has taught me one very important thing and that is that I don't think I am…
  • Thanks Robyn. This is exactly the new program I am following. I am lifting weights (not heavy yet but im working up to it) and I am eating 5 to 6 small meals daily. I am a little bit concerned about having enough carbs for exercising though without having too many. Do you have any tips?
  • No, I do not consider 3000 calories per day low calorie, and good for you. But if your calories in versus calories out approach were robust, then it would also apply to me eating 1200 calories a day and expending 2200 which is my bmr without exercise.
  • I disagree, based on personal experience. But when I say I cut carbs, I mean I reduced them, not cut them out entirely.
  • sorry, no birth control and have had thyroid checked = no probs. But thanks for your insightful questions. I was kind of hoping I could blame the thyroid. lol.
  • well pointed out. lol :laugh:
  • One big thing I should have explained better. I am NOT unhappy with my progress at all. And I do not expect to lose every week etc. I was using this one week as a good example (I thought) of the many diets I have tried where I've had a really good calorie deficit but was not losing any weight. Also I was working out less…
  • I kept 35kg off for over 5 years as well as had another baby during that time and lost my baby weight afterward as well. But due to "life" and my own weaknesses, I went back to eating carbs like pasta and potatoes. I thought I could reintroduce them. I never went back to eating as much of them as I used to but over about a…
  • Yes, that's right...the adjustment is from my fitness monitor. But my bmr does not show on MFP. It only shows on my fitness monitor at around 2200 calories daily. As I said, I am eating 1200 - 1600 calories daily and adding exercise of usually around 400 -500 calories daily. My food diary was mostly recorded before 28…
  • oh gee, I feel I have to defend myself from an onslaught of attacks. Why can't everybody just be nice. lol. We all have different opinions and that's ok. I appreciate the people that were trying to help me by pointing out something I may not have been aware of but forcing your views on others without showing any respect…
  • Thanks for your replies..I appreciate the input. However I did NOT have the same results when I did cut calories using traditional dieting methods such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig etc. And I followed them all for several months before throwing in the towel. They honestly did not work for me. I have done low fat, low…
  • no, not narrow minded because they disagree with me! Narrow minded meaning that they subscribe to only one view despite emerging scientific evidence to the contrary! Perhaps a dictionary would assist you in future.
  • umm Wow! What a massive response in such a short time. Its obviously a hugely contraversial topic.Thank you to everyone who posted....even the self-righteous, narrow minded ones who had only criticism to offer :) Ok, let me answer a couple of your questions first. Firstly, I am using a clinically endorsed fitness monitor…
  • Congratulations and thank you for sharing the very intimate details of your struggle. I believe that many many obese / overweight people have underlying emotional issues that serve to maintain an inability to succeed at weight loss. Too many people think of the weight loss battle as a matter of a simple mathematical…
  • Hi there fellow apples. I am a true apple also. I am all torso with a wider upper body. My legs and arms are the size of a 65kg person and my torso is the size of a 120kg person. I have a flat bottom, big boobs and belly, round shoulders and a wide back (which I hate the most). Funny thing is that I think this is the shape…
  • I previously lost 35kg but I never really saw it in the mirror. Whenever I would catch a glimpse of my reflection in a store window, I would not recognise myself. The mental image I had of myself was still pretty close to the same size. Also, when I went shopping to buy clothes, I went to a new plus sized store in town. I…
  • Thank you all for the wonderful source of inspiration and thank you to the person who started the post! I never get tired of these. Not only do people look so much younger in their after shots, but sometimes they look like different people all together! It makes me wonder what I am going to look like when i'm at my goal.…
  • You are stunning! I mean really gorgeous. Not that you were unattractive before but now you are HOT! Great work girl! You must be so so proud of yourself. Everybody wants to know you're method, including me. Can't wait to see the final goal shots. Keep up the great work. :happy:
  • oh .... I had trouble with your invite earlier Bunsen, it kept saying invalid user name. But I have worked out the problem. I was not seeing the last two letters of your user name. All fixed now and invite sent.
  • Hi people, Sorry, i did not see the recent posts. My notifications must not be working. I have set up a group for us so we are chatting over there. Check your inbox for an invite soon. Im going really well so far, working out daily, lifting heavy, and increasing my cardio as I go. I'm with you Akosua! Just be consistent…
  • Thx lovely peeps. Have added and accepted. Looking forward to doing this :)
  • QUOTE: ]So the idea is to lose 80 pounds in 15 weeks? Not saying I wouldn't LOVE to do that ... I am just not sure I could. Again, I would love to do it because that would take care of my weight issue ... and then some. First, I would love to be sure that I have the amount right :-). [/quote] No, I haven't actually set a…