Calories In Versus Calories Out = CRAP!



  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    3. What you eat can affect the OUT side of the equation, as malnutrition in the form of lack of protein and/or vitamins and/or minerals can greatly reduce TDEE (Protein alone seemed to reduce it by 50% to 60% in one subject I read about)

    I don't suppose you can expand on this? It just sounds interesting and I'd like to understand.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Have you thought about incorporating more weight lifting exercise? Specifically, heavy lifting? Muscle burns fat and will rev your metabolism. Also, how bout eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    some new research coming on this:

    The energy in–energy out hypothesis is not set in stone, argues Gary Taubes. It is time to test hormonal theories about why we get fat.


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I would suggest altering your expectations. Weight loss is about trends, not weekly results. The science is there and is proven you lose weight and fat by consuming less calories than you burn.


    I will stay the same for weeks on end (even up to 2 months) then all of a sudden BAM 2 or 3 lbs down. That's the way it's worked for the last year. Not everyone loses EVERY week.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Thank you Spartan maker for "Your metabolism is dynamic."
    As a female my caloric needs, macro and micro vary day by day. Just hormones. :)
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    Have you thought about incorporating more weight lifting exercise? Specifically, heavy lifting? Muscle burns fat and will rev your metabolism. Also, how bout eating several small meals and snacks throughout the day?

    Thanks Robyn. This is exactly the new program I am following. I am lifting weights (not heavy yet but im working up to it) and I am eating 5 to 6 small meals daily. I am a little bit concerned about having enough carbs for exercising though without having too many. Do you have any tips?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Anyone else have a giggle at the title?

    Calories in+calories out indeed does=crap :laugh:

    ...I'm sorry my maturity is at an extreme low today.

    OP my best advice to you is what you said at the bottom of your post. Work harder, you will see better results. There's obviously a disconnect somewhere in your diet or workout routine that isn't letting you progress, so switch it up if its not working.

    Best of luck.

    Just make sure you poop correctly. :laugh:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Please please please I beg of you people don't tell her she's in starvation mode.

    Weight loss is not linear. You could go weeks literally eating at a deficit and not lose a pound, then one week, you'll lose 3. You will eventually lose if you are eating at a deficit (for your body) and tracking every single calorie. I'd venture to say there are maybe 5% of people in this world that have real problems that prevent them from losing weight. Either you're not tracking 100% or you are not giving it enough time. Give it time!!!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    OP - I think you are looking at the wrong thing.

    Weight Loss occurs when Calories In is less than Calories Out. Thank you to whomever pointed out the law of thermodynamics. And You have adjusted the calories in downward, and increased your exercise, but I think you are assuming that the RATE you are burning is always the same.

    I think almost everyone accepts that if you eat too few calories, your body goes into starvation mode - that's the rate your body burns. But do we really understand all of the factors that influence your metabolic rate. Ambient temperature, eating breakfast in the morning, eating smaller more frequent meals, thyroid (ie hormones), birth control (ie hormones) etc etc. The Taubes hypothesis is that in addition to how much you eat (again, we accept that too few = starvation mode), that the types of food can also influence that rate. That carbohydrates drive insulin (ie a hormone) and that in turn causes a change to much you a burning. Think of a fire - does it burn the same whether you feed it green wood or dry wood? Not at all.

    So I disagree with you that Calories in Versus Calories Out = Crap
    But think that something is going on to impact your metabolic rate, which in turn impacts how you burn calories, and which therefore impacts your calories out.

    Anyway, that's my two cents.
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    OP - I think you are looking at the wrong thing.

    Weight Loss occurs when Calories In is less than Calories Out. Thank you to whomever pointed out the law of thermodynamics. And You have adjusted the calories in downward, and increased your exercise, but I think you are assuming that the RATE you are burning is always the same.

    I think almost everyone accepts that if you eat too few calories, your body goes into starvation mode - that's the rate your body burns. But do we really understand all of the factors that influence your metabolic rate. Ambient temperature, eating breakfast in the morning, eating smaller more frequent meals, thyroid (ie hormones), birth control (ie hormones) etc etc. The Taubes hypothesis is that in addition to how much you eat (again, we accept that too few = starvation mode), that the types of food can also influence that rate. That carbohydrates drive insulin (ie a hormone) and that in turn causes a change to much you a burning. Think of a fire - does it burn the same whether you feed it green wood or dry wood? Not at all.

    So I disagree with you that Calories in Versus Calories Out = Crap
    But think that something is going on to impact your metabolic rate, which in turn impacts how you burn calories, and which therefore impacts your calories out.

    Anyway, that's my two cents.

    Thanks Kirra. Your way of conceptualising the non-simplicity of calories in v calories out makes sense to me. My fitness monitor is supposed to be 90% accurate in regards to the daily calories I actually burn though. My fitness monitor and MFP has taught me one very important thing and that is that I don't think I am eating enough. So I am going to start eating more often and exercise more and see how that goes.

    Thanks for your advice.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    re Taubes and his hypothesis: if insulin is increased and nutrients are being told to be delivered to cells but there aren't nutrients available (aka calorie deficit) then how is any fat (or muscle) meant to be stored?
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    re Taubes and his hypothesis: if insulin is increased and nutrients are being told to be delivered to cells but there aren't nutrients available (aka calorie deficit) then how is any fat (or muscle) meant to be stored?

    I think his hypothesis proposes that any carbohydrates ingested throughout the day, immediately increase insulin which contributes to fat storage, rather than being used for the body's normal processes as is what happens in healthy weighted individuals. This is a faulty mechanism that comes about because of hormone dysregulation. That is my understanding but I could be wrong.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    calories in vs. calories out is a LONG TERM LIFESTYLE CHANGE that has a 100% success rate. I've been on here for over a year, had some ups and downs but weigh my self consistently and if I've learned absolutely ANYTHING on this journey, it's that the human body makes no sense and the scale might even show you gain weight after a stellar week. BUT, I promise you months down the road you'll have lost weight, feel better about yourself and the way you look.

    If you haven't already, go to wal mart and buy a food scale, they are like 3-4 bucks for a cheap one and will revolutionize how you see your meal portions when you can physically measure all those grams and ounces. You may find you've been eating far too much.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Please explain that to the hundreds of bodybuilders who cut carbs a few weeks before a show to get more deffinition, then add carbs a day or two before the show to add some size if needed.
    There's a HUGE difference between bodybuilders engaging in short-term carbohydrate/electrolyte manipulation to cut for a show and an overweight/obese person trying to lose weight/fat. Your argument is completely invalid.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    re Taubes and his hypothesis: if insulin is increased and nutrients are being told to be delivered to cells but there aren't nutrients available (aka calorie deficit) then how is any fat (or muscle) meant to be stored?

    I think his hypothesis proposes that any carbohydrates ingested throughout the day, immediately increase insulin which contributes to fat storage, rather than being used for the body's normal processes as is what happens in healthy weighted individuals. This is a faulty mechanism that comes about because of hormone dysregulation. That is my understanding but I could be wrong.
    Protein produces insulin as well. Recent studies have shown low-carb diets produce a virtually identical quantity of insulin to the SAD. The solution to insulin issues is eating 1-2 meals/day with no snacks, not reducing carbs, although personally I enjoy carb cycling (nothing like being able to eat a box of frosted flakes one day, and a pound of prime ribeye the next).
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    re Taubes and his hypothesis: if insulin is increased and nutrients are being told to be delivered to cells but there aren't nutrients available (aka calorie deficit) then how is any fat (or muscle) meant to be stored?

    I think his hypothesis proposes that any carbohydrates ingested throughout the day, immediately increase insulin which contributes to fat storage, rather than being used for the body's normal processes as is what happens in healthy weighted individuals. This is a faulty mechanism that comes about because of hormone dysregulation. That is my understanding but I could be wrong.

    If Taubes were correct, then I couldn't possibly have lost any fat at all, yet I've shed 12% of my body fat in 5 months, 19% of my total body weight. Taubes is trying to sell books.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    re Taubes and his hypothesis: if insulin is increased and nutrients are being told to be delivered to cells but there aren't nutrients available (aka calorie deficit) then how is any fat (or muscle) meant to be stored?

    I think his hypothesis proposes that any carbohydrates ingested throughout the day, immediately increase insulin which contributes to fat storage, rather than being used for the body's normal processes as is what happens in healthy weighted individuals. This is a faulty mechanism that comes about because of hormone dysregulation. That is my understanding but I could be wrong.

    His hypothesis is wrong. For example, protein is insulinogenic, not just carbs.
  • TiffanieRandolph
    TiffanieRandolph Posts: 18 Member
    I just want to add that some of you people are completely rude!!!!!!!!!! She was stating an opinion so 7 pages of you people had to post to tell her she is wrong???? WTF!!!!!! I thought this site was motivational!!! If this poor woman chooses not to get back on this site ever again, I wouldn't blame her one bit!!!!!!! How can you people sleep after telling someone they aren't special and they are "doing it wrong"??? This is crazy!!!!! People!!!! She is having trouble!!! She has probably been criticized for a while because she is overweight and you "people" want to shut her thinking down and make her sound stupid??? WOW it's high school all over again!!!! *very disappointed*

    On another note, just tweak what you are doing. The only thing I agree with is give it time. Change it up until you find something that works. Remember EVERYONE is special so something that works for "John Doe" may not work for you, but I am sure you will find the right fit. :) Feel free to add me as a friend and I will offer some needed motivation as often as possible. Good day to you!!! :)
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I just want to add that some of you people are completely rude!!!!!!!!!! She was stating an opinion so 7 pages of you people had to post to tell her she is wrong???? WTF!!!!!! I thought this site was motivational!!! If this poor woman chooses not to get back on this site ever again, I wouldn't blame her one bit!!!!!!! How can you people sleep after telling someone they aren't special and they are "doing it wrong"??? This is crazy!!!!! People!!!! She is having trouble!!! She has probably been criticized for a while because she is overweight and you "people" want to shut her thinking down and make her sound stupid??? WOW it's high school all over again!!!! *very disappointed*

    On another note, just tweak what you are doing. The only thing I agree with is give it time. Change it up until you find something that works. Remember EVERYONE is special so something that works for "John Doe" may not work for you, but I am sure you will find the right fit. :) Feel free to add me as a friend and I will offer some needed motivation as often as possible. Good day to you!!! :)

    So it's better to just flat out lie? Just enourage her and have her tweak everything? Blind aimless trial and error?

    This isn't the stone ages where we're trying to figure out what causes pregnancy or how to make beer or what berries are safe to eat without causing death.

    This is simple basic science.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I just want to add that some of you people are completely rude!!!!!!!!!! She was stating an opinion so 7 pages of you people had to post to tell her she is wrong???? WTF!!!!!! I thought this site was motivational!!! If this poor woman chooses not to get back on this site ever again, I wouldn't blame her one bit!!!!!!! How can you people sleep after telling someone they aren't special and they are "doing it wrong"??? This is crazy!!!!! People!!!! She is having trouble!!! She has probably been criticized for a while because she is overweight and you "people" want to shut her thinking down and make her sound stupid??? WOW it's high school all over again!!!! *very disappointed*

    On another note, just tweak what you are doing. The only thing I agree with is give it time. Change it up until you find something that works. Remember EVERYONE is special so something that works for "John Doe" may not work for you, but I am sure you will find the right fit. :) Feel free to add me as a friend and I will offer some needed motivation as often as possible. Good day to you!!! :)

    What? We are supposed to tell people they are special because they did not lose weight for a week and then made a post saying that the basic concept of weight loss is crap? Why am I supposed to tell anyone they are special, especially when they are wrong? I do not get this logic.