

  • I usually eat a very small handful of nuts a day. Walnuts and Almonds mostly but I also love pinenuts. Always eat them "raw", not dry roasted. I use nuts as a snack because I like them but they are something I can control and not go "nuts" on and eat too many. They are nutricious but also high caloric so portion control is…
    in Nuts Comment by reginahimes January 2012
  • Thanks for sharing. I was often "over" on the protein on MFP too and was wondering if it was harmful to my diet to be getting too much protein. One thing I have to disagree with the nutritionist is that your body is eating up your muscle when protein is too low. That is only true if your BMI is below 10 which maybe yours…
  • According to my fitness trainer, if you are eating healthy the calories do not matter. I eat only veggies, fruit, nuts and lean meats. No dairy, bread or pasta. I have been a "calorie" counter my whole life. I continued to count calories and expressed that I was concerned because I was comming in 100 to 200 cal under 1200…